Baby Shark's Big Movie!/Transcript (2024)


You're gonna wanna

Sea Stariana

The Greatest Starfish

in the whole wide water

Oh, from the tuna

to the piranha

Everyfishy's gonna see

Everything's about me



Everyfishy's gonna see

Everything's about me

It's Stariana!


Lance Bass here with Stariana on "Tidal Request Live."

Shello Miss Rising Starfish!

Who, me?

I don't know about all that.

I'm just a little starfish

with a big dream.

Well, it's coming true.

Your splash hit is

sweeping the ocean.

Get used to her name, everyfishy.

It's Stariana!

Thank you, Lance.



Eeeeee! Stariana!

This is so exciting!

It's happening, Gillie.

My influence is spreading!

At long last, I must be

the catchiest fish in the sea!

As I was saying,

it's bubble time!

Ooh, bubble time!



Bubble, bubble, spill the tea.

Show me the catchiest fish

in the sea.

Baby Shark


Baby Shark


Baby Shark

Ugh, Baby Shark!


I can't believe some nofishy

in the middle of nowhere

is the catchiest fish

in the sea.

It's just not fair.

See that star mark?

Legend has it that the

catchiest fish in the sea

is marked by a star.

Ugh, but what

about being a star?

Just look on the bright side.

You're still a star

according to Lance Bass.

It's not enough!

For years I was relegated

to the ocean floor.

Just a starfish stuck on a rock

while the world swam by.

It was my rock bottom.

But I was there.

And I liked that rock.

It was a great rock.

Get out of my dramatic

flashback, Gillie!

As I was saying,

there I was, stuck.

And everyfishy who swam by

me was singing that one

relentless song.

Baby Shark


I knew then that it should

be my voice enchanting

the whole wide water.

That I should be

the catchiest fish in the sea!

One day, everyfishy will

listen to me and my song!

There will be no Baby Shark,

no Taylor Drift,

no Doja Catfish, no ENHYPEN--

Aww, I kind of like ENHYPEN.


I mean, who needs

pure earnest joy?

Ha, no thanks.

But just out of curiosity, uh,

how are you going to do that?

Oh, Gillie.

Sweet Gillie.

Sweet, sweet little laughable--

I get it.

We can skip ahead to--

It's all possible,

once I have this.

The Siren Stone.

Wow wow wow wow wow,

Very glam.

Very glam, very powerful.

With this, I can steal

the music from anyfishy's soul.

Whatever song

they have in their heart

will be replaced by mine.

And they'll be

obsessed with me!

Imagine it,

everyfishy singing my song!

Even this pesky

little Baby Shark.


Once I use the Siren Stone to

steal Baby Shark's star mark,

I will rule the ocean as

the catchiest fish in the sea.

- Gillie, don't.

- Right, yup, stopping.

Baby Shark


I'll make sure that

little yellow nuisance

swims right into our trap.

Swimming through


My cute town


Good morning


Carnivore Cove

Good morning, Baby Shark.

And a good morning

to you, Mr. Clownfish!




Sing it out


To a sprout



Phew, I am truly,

deeply sorry.

Those puppy shark eyes.

Can't resist.

Oh, you're all right, squiddo.

Thanks, Bullshark Dozer!

See you later!


Picking up


My best friend


Hi, Ms. Manta.

Hi, Baby Shark.




You ready to make fin-ship

bracelets, best friend?

You know it, best friend.


I know what you're thinking.

both: Can fin-ship bracelets

truly contain the pure

jaw-someness of our fin-ship?

They can if we

make them that at--

Peak Fin-ship!

Every day

is a new adventure

The deep blue's got

us front and center

both: We can't sink

when we sing together


Best friends

till the end of time

Up or down,

swimming' by your side

both: Our fin-ship

is ocean wide!


I'll be there when

the tide starts turning

I'll be there when

the waves stop curling

Forever the best duet

Our fin-ship's

as good as it gets

And even if your

heart gets broken

I'll be there

with my fins wide open

Peak Fin-ship

The best one yet

Peak Fin-ship

As good as it gets

I'll be there when

the tide starts turning

I'll be there when

the waves stop curling

Forever the best duet


Our fin-ship's

as good as it gets

And even if

your heart gets broken

I'll be there

with my fins wide open

Peak Fin-ship

The best one yet

Cause we got it

as good as it gets

Peak Fin-ship

As good as it gets


for a moment there, I thought

we were being too much.

Same, but then I

realized we were being

exactly the right amount.


Baby Shark, do

you take this best

fin-ship bracelet and swear

to be my best friend forever?

Through thick and fin?

In salt and fresh water?

I do.

William, do you take

this best fin-ship bracelet

and swear to be

my best friend forever?

In sickness and in kelp?

I doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo!

Then it's o-fish-al.

Secret tail-shake!

High-fin for fin-ship!

And to think that

was totally improvised.

There's only one

thing left to do.

After-song snackies!

Oh, from the tuna

to the piranha

Everyfishy's gonna see

Everything's about me



Hey, there's that

Stariana music video again.

Wow, that song is everywhere.

Kinda repetitive if you ask me.

It's like it's

turning everyfishy

into mindless zombiefish.

It has been stuck in my head

for a disturbingly long time,

but I like it.

And actually, I'm watching

this for research.


Why are you

researching Stariana?

I knew it, Mrs. Shark!

You're leading a secret

life as a pop star!

And you kept this from me?

I could have helped

pick your outfits!

No, squiddo.

But there is

something important

we need to talk to you about.

Oh, uh, that's my alarm!

That's your alarm?

Yes, Grandpa,

which means we have to go.

We have got to get

you a better alarm.

Should I leave?

No way.

Anything you need

to say to me,

you can say

in front of William.

Plus, we still

need our snackies.

Well, I just got

some fin-tastic news.

Baby, William, you're

looking at Chomp City's

new entertainment director!


Wait, what is that?

It's like being a party

planner for the whole city.

both: Jaw-some!

Yup, your mom is going to

be overseeing all of Chomp

City's musical events.

Starting with

the Chomp City Chomptacular,

which Stariana is headlining.

She called me herself to offer

me the position, no big deal.

The Chomptacular?

That's the concert of the year!

Everyfishy's gonna be there.

Sharki B, Bad Bunnyslug--




You get to meet ENHYPEN?

- Oh, yeah!

- Uh-huh!

- Go Mommy!

- I'll tell you

Go Mommy!

So the Sharks are

moving to Chomp City!

- Whoo-hoo--ooh?

- Wait, what?

We're moving?

Mrs. Shark,

unfortunately you can't move.

That would mean Baby would

miss my birthday party.


We can't move!

We know

it's not perfect timing.


so we're not going

to be neighbors anymore?

I know it's

a big change, Baby.

But you two can still

visit each other.

But Chomp City's all the way

across the whole wide water.

How about those snackies?

Thanks, but I

think I lost my appetite.

I better flow home.


Well, the dental office

is officially closed,

and I'm ready

for a city adventure!

Just think, Baby!

It'll be a dream come true.

You can even get your teeth

cleaned by the Dr. Sawtooth.

Ironically, she's famous

for her gentle touch.

Uh, Daddy, that's your dream.

Oh, hehe, right.

I know!

What if--

and hear me out here--

I stay behind

with Grandma and Grandpa!

- Oh!

Then I could help

if Grandpa gets a cramp

and needs his fin cream!

Or Grandma needs the Wi-Fi

password for her tablet!

Or they both get

cold and no fishies

here to knit them a scarf!

Ooh, that sounds great.

I do get cold

from time to time.


You don't want

to stay with us, squiddo.

Yeah, we're just going

to be sitting around telling

each other long embellished

stories about our pasts

that we've already

heard 300 times.


I always forget them.

C'mon, Baby.

Chomp City will be great.

And while we get

up on our fins,

we'll get to stay

with my old friend Leah.

Remember how much fun she is?

Plus, you'll finally get

to meet her little pup Lannie.

Leah Lanternshark?

Hey, weren't you two in

a yacht rock group together?

I try not to remember that.

That's right!

She was kicked out

for being too smooth.

How's she doing?

Oh, she's--well, actually,

I don't really know.

It's been a while

since we caught up.

So I guess we'll find

out and hopefully

live to tell the tale, ha.

It's no fair.

I have to move away

from my best friend,

and you get to live with yours.

Try to think of it

as a new adventure.

An adventure?

Without William?

Well, that's like

a shark without water.

What if William makes a new

best friend while I'm gone?

And they make new inside jokes?

That I'm outside of!

I'll be outside the jokes!

Don't worry, squiddo.

At my age, I found that true

blue fin-ship conquers all.

Even a move across

the whole wide water.

Packing up


All my stuff


In my bag


Almost done

Somefishy's in a good mood.

Good mood?


Try great mood!

Because of how

great everything is!


I'm so glad you're excited.

And remember, only pack

the things you need.

Oh, I am.




He needs his best friend!

- Yeah!

- Nice try, squiddos.

I can't believe

you're really leaving.

Me neither.

But are you and I

the best friends

in the whole wide water

gonna let that get us down?

So I'm moving across

the seven seas.

So what?

A fin-ship like ours

is bigger than that!

We took a vow, remember?

Through thick and fin?


In salt and fresh water.

I'll always be by your side.


Mm, what was that?

Er, at least symbolically.


Much better.

Thanks for the moving

help, Mail Whale!

You're welcome.


Grandma, Grandpa,

I'll miss you.

Oh, have fun, lil pup.

It's sure going to be

a snooze fest around here

without ya.

Guess this is it, huh?

Nope, not nearly.

Because I have

a surprise for you--

happy early birthday!

Two tickets

to the Chomptacular!


Let's just say

I know a shark.

It's me, I'm the shark.

William, when you come

visit me in Chomp City,

we're going to be

front row for ENHYPEN!

Front row?

You think we'll get

to dance on stage with them?

Um, obviously we'll get

to dance on stage with them.

Aww, thank you, Baby.

This is the jaw-somest

birthday present ever.

Time to get flowing, lil pup.

I'll be there when

the tide starts turning

I'll be there when

the waves stop curling

both: Forever the best duet

Our fin-ship's

as good as it gets

See you later,

best friend forever.

- Bye, everyfishy!

- Bye, Baby!


Oh, take care.

What time is it?

Party time.

Chin up, lil pup.

Everything will be fine.

You'll see.

All right, I just downloaded

this new app called Waterways.

It'll get us there in

two shakes of a tail-fin!


Uh, that way!

OK, maybe the other way!

This can't be right.

Ah! Neither can this!


Up ahead.


Chomp City.


We made it.


Wow, the sights.

The sounds.

The smells.

City life, we're living it!

- Hey.

- Pardon me!


- Ey, I'm swimmin' here!


Nothing a little

Baby Shark charm can't fix.

I am truly, deeply sorry.

Those puppy shark

eyes aren't going to cut

it in Chomp City, squiddo.

So I'm a

little out of my depth.

Mommy, Daddy!

Wait for me!

How's my smile?

Hmm, Abso-toothly perfect!

Hmm, ugh, did Leah

forget we're coming today?

Where are they?

Right here!

There she is!

Long time, no hug!


So small but so strong.

I see you still

know how to make an entrance.

Hi, Lannie.

Gerald, you troublemaker.

Hey, girl, hey!

You remember this.

Up high, down low!

To the right, let it flow!

And you!

Come to Auntie Leah!

Huh, didn't think

he called you "Auntie."

He does now!

Let Auntie Leah do

the shark check.

Dorsal fin, check.

Star mark, check.

Tail--perfectly springy.

Now it's about

time you two met.

Baby, this is

my little pup Lannie!

Uh, hi, Lannie!

I'm Baby Shark.

I know!

I mean, nice to eat you.


I mean, nice to meet you. Yeah.

Nice to meet you, too.

I like your colors.

We're lantern sharks,

so we glow!

See? Angry!



I guess you could say,

I wear my heart on my sleeve.

Except, I don't have sleeves,

so you wouldn't say that.

Get it together, Lannie.

Lock it down!

No, no, that's very cool.

Whaddaya say?

Ready to dive in

and explore your new home?

I guess so.

You guess so?

Nah, nah, nah, we gotta

do better than that.

I'm gonna show you

that in Chomp City,

everyfishy's got

a song to sing.


Welcome to Chomp City

Where the world is

bright and pretty

You'll see

everyfishy's singing

As they're swimming along,

swimming along

Got the best

high-tide buildings

Cause the sawsharks

are milling

And the hammerheads

are hitting

Let's keep swimming along,

swimming along

We got fashion shows

So strike a pose

Show off those stripes

and spots, ya know?

Downtown don't sleep,

it's the undertow

Where it all begins

So dive on in

Go and live your

best new life

Soak in the city lights

You'll sing your

song in time

Come on, dive on in

Different tails

and different fins

Everyfishy fits right in

Here's where

your song begins

Go and dive on in

Next on the plate

We're going to treat ya

A slice of kelparoni pizza!

Do it like this, it folds

Am I doing it right?

Yeah, take a bite!

Always something new

Can't run out

of things to do

The greatest place

in the deep blue

Yeah, it's true

So dive on in

Go and live your

best new life

Soak in the city lights

You'll sing your

song in time

Come on, dive on in

Different tails

and different fins

Everyfishy fits right in

Here's where

your song begins

Go and dive on in


Ooo-ooh wah-ooh!


Ooo-ooh wah-ooh!

So dive on in

And that brings us to the

crown jewel of Chomp City--

Casa Leah y Lannie.

Your new home.

We definitely aren't

in Carnivore Cove anymore.

This way!

I'll show you our room.

"Our" room?

Look, I understand

Dr. Sawtooth is busy,

but could she make an exception

for a fellow practitioner

of the dental arts?

Look at you, Mommy Shark,

back in the city.

Wow, ya know,

it's been way too long.

Yeah, I've been meaning

to visit, but you know,

life always seems

to get in the way.

Ugh. That pesky life.

Well, catch-up time starts now.


Let the catching up begin.

- Yes!

Oh, thank you!

I'll take it!


Daddy's going to the dentist!


That hurt!

This is my bed,

and this one's yours!

Unless you want mine, in which

case you can totally have it.

Oh, that's OK.

Thanks, though.

OK, but the offer stands.

Anything for my new best bud!

Uh, I kinda already

have a best, best bud.

But we can still be friends!


Well, this is still

going to be jaw-some.

It's like a forever sleepover!

Just a warning--my mom

says I talk in my sleep.

But I've never heard it, so--

One day down, forever to go.

But I'm just an understudy!

- Huh?

- What?


Star in the off-off

Broadwave production

of "Les Fisherables" tonight?

La la la la la

la la la


The Chomptacular.

It's a beautiful day, Gillie.

Have I ever told you how

much I appreciate you?

Whoa, whoa, whoa,

what's happening?

What is this?

Are you happy?

Well, why not?

The sun is shining,

my star is rising--

and Baby Shark is

in Chomp City, swimming

ever closer to my trap.

The only thing that can

break the Siren Stone's spell

is the song of the catchiest

fish in the sea.

So once I steal Baby

Shark's star mark,

nothing will stand in my way.

You're such a genius, Stariana.

I mean, hiring Baby Shark's mom

to work for you to bring him

closer, Elon Mollusk wishes.

I know.

Sometimes I think

I'm so smart that I

could be really

successful if I just

put in an honest day's work.

But where's the fun in that?

Once I steal Baby Shark's

musical life force,

I will be unstoppable.

My Chomptacular performance

will put everyfishy

in the whole wide

water under my spell,

and I will rule the ocean

as is my rightful destiny.

BTDubs, what's the sitch with

tracking down the Siren Stone?


Uh, It's going well!

I have several promising

leads, and I've only

had my identity stolen once.


Uh, where is

Mrs. Shark, anyway?

Good morning!

OK, so I have

our whole day planned out

starting with your fave

breakfast sandwiches.

And then--

Planned out?

Leah, I'm running late.

But you just got here.

You really don't have

a day to hang out?


I promise we'll do

catch up time soon!

Breakfast sando to-go it is!

Oh, thank you.

And, uh, keep him in one

piece while I'm out, OK?

You have my solemn word.

Now are we going

to be on good behavior?

Welcome to the Driftwood Derby!


I'm gaining on you, Leah!

Not in my house!

Show me the light.

Good. Good.

Hm, no good.

Coming through.

- Hey, watch it.

- Whoa!

Huh, must have gotten

mixed up with Baby's stuff.


Mrs. Shark!

Thank gill-ness you're here.

I'm Gillie, Stariana's

assistant and best friend.

Assistant first,

best friend sec--

There she is!

Oh, nice to meet you both.


This must be Baby Shark!

You got those tickets

I sent, right?

Yes, thank you again.

He and his best friend

William are so, so excited,

especially to see ENHYPEN.

Haven't heard of them.

Anyway, he should stop

by to get an autograph.

I'd love to meet him.

That's so kind of you.

Oh, it's the

least I could do.


Ooh, I like your bracelet.


My best friend,

William has one, too.

He lives back

in Carnivore Cove.

Oh, cool.

But, uh, hey, I know!

How about we make up

a secret tail-shake?

That is such a good idea.

How do we do that?

How about we shark

shimmy, patty-cake fin,

do a spin, and--


That is not how

that usually goes.



Whew, isn't the Driftwood

Derby great, Baby?

What could you be

doing in Carnivore Cove

that's more fun than this?

Oh, no!

I almost forgot!

all: Happy birthday,

dear William

Happy birthday to you!

- Whoo-hoo!

- Beep-beep.

Bubble berry birthday

cake coming through!

Make a wish.

Hmm, hmm.



First slice

for the birthday fishy.

Thanks, Mom.

And look who it is--

Happy birthday, best friend!


I saved your spot for you.

Ooh, lemme get

some of that cake!


Do I detect a hint

of bubbleberry?

Hey, William!

Wavy haberdashery!


What did she say?

"Wavy haberdashery"?

Oh, it's kinda

an inside joke.

An inside joke?

Yeah, yeah, you--

you had to be there.

Oh, uh--

Sounds funny.

Time to open presents!

Ooh, mine first!


Uh, I gotta flow, Baby.

Oh, OK.

Uh, have fun!

You too!

It's official.

He has inside jokes without me.

My life is over.

Hey, Baby!

Wanna race?

I know you won

the first, second,

and, well-- all seven rounds.

But this one's mine!

Oh, I can feel it in my fins.

I'll take that action!


Somefishy's got

the birthday blues.

Talk to me, bubba.

It's just-- it wasn't

the same without Baby here.

Hey, listen,

you're best friends.

A little distance

can't change that.

Thanks, Mom.

You're like the wisest.

And besides,

you'll see him again soon.

Could it be?

OK, we got

the party snackies,

we got the glow

in the dark body paint,

and you fishies

will never believe--

Next door.

Uh, right.

My bad.

At least Baby's grandparents

seem to be doing OK.


All right, party prawn

squids, and fish!

They call me

Solid Gold Glamdaddy.

And it's time to chomp 'n roll!

Granola Granny Goddess

says public art for all!

Welcome to--

both: Burning Sand!

I can't believe I missed

William's birthday party.

I'm sorry, squiddo.

I just feel so homesick,

but I guess this is home now.

both: Hm.

I mean, the Mail Whale

here isn't even a whale!

Got yer mail here.


I just miss my old life.


Should I recite a poem

about plankton to him?

To cheer him up?

Maybe later, pup.


You know, Baby.

Having a best friend is like

being in any great pop duo--

sometimes you sing together,

and sometimes you sing apart.

Like your mom and me.

But you two

hardly talk anymore.

Does that even

count as fin-ship?


Just promise me you'll try.

You'll love it here.

There are more things

to do in Chomp City

than there are grains

of sand in the ocean.

Anything can happen.

Who knows?

Maybe you'll even make

a new best friend.

A new best friend?

Ha, Mommy says you're

funny, but that is rich.


Swear on your star mark

you'll give Chomp City a sh*t?


OK, swear on my star mark.


Uh, what's going on, hon?

If I'm going to get

my teeth cleaned by Dr.

Sawtooth tomorrow, they need

to be abso-toothly sparkling!

You think

she'll sign my retainer?

At least one

of you fishies is

adjusting well to city life.



Nature! Why?

My mouth!

It went in my mouth!

I told you to find

the Siren Stone,

not take me backpacking!

Ugh, the things I do for power.

How did you track

it down, anyways?

Oh, I just did some research,

befriended a quirky but kindly

old monkfish, who gave

me a sacred scroll, used

disappearing squid ink

to reveal the hidden symbols,

and from there I

triangulated the coordinates.

But the hardest--



The Siren Stone.

It's beautiful!

And it's mine.


It's really, uh--

really stuck in there.




The Stone!

With this power, Baby Shark's

star mark is as good as mine.

And then, I will have

complete control!

Yeah, you will!

Cause we got the

Siren Stone

- Now let's see.

- You fishies can flow home

- Is this thing on?

- We got this--






Yes, Stariana?

Do a backflip.

Yes, Stariana.

Hup, ah.



Gillie, paint my portrait.

Oh, weird request

but, yes, Stariana!

OK, yeah, you honestly

just do what I say anyways,

so you don't really need

to be mind controlled.


And now?

To simply dominate the world.

Gillie, how many times do I--

- I'm sorry!

I can't help it!

Your laugh is infectious!


Just stop.

You're embarrassing yourself.

OK, let's flow,

this place is old and gross.



Time to give this whole

Chomp City thing a sh*t.



Nice, uh, sawing?

It's a living.

Mmm, an every-fin bagel

with seaweed shmear, please.

both: Mmm!

Good day to you.

Oh, and a good day to you.

both: Ey, I'm swimming here!

Same time tomorrow?

You know it, Frank.

What do you think?

Sequin scales and chiffon?

I'm fin-spired.


Oh, oh, so dive on in

You excited to see

William, squiddo?

Yeah, but it's weird.

I've never been nervous

to see him before.

What if things are--

I don't know,

different between us?

Aw, I'm sure you

two will have a blast.

You always do.

Chomptacular, here I come!

Have fun with Baby.

Now you sure you know

the way to Chomp City?

Mom, I'm a pilot fish.

Directions are in my blood.

Also, I just got this

cool app called Waterways!

So there's no way I'm

going to get lost!

This can't be right.



Chomp City!

The sights!

The sounds!


See, you back home,

I have this

wry fast-talking

charm that usually

gets me out of hot water--



Oh, great,

you know each other.

High fin for fin-ship!


Why don't you ever stop?

Can you believe I live here?

Not really.

I can't wait to

show you around.

No way!

A real life haberdashery!


The fishes back home

are going to love this.

Oh, so that's

a haberdashery.

"Wavy haberdashery,"

am I right?

Those words.

So random!

Yeah, it's hard to explain.

Sharki B!

Offshark and Sharki B,

chomping up the red carpet.

We give a whole new

meaning to fishy fierce.

Oh, hi-hi-hi-hi!

- Oh.

Hey, look, it's ENHYPEN!

We love you so much!

Ooh, sign my tentacles!

Sign my teeth!

Yar, sign me chest!


Enjoy it while it

lasts, fishies.

Ready for sound

checks, Stariana?

Why, yes.

Yes, I am.

Let's take this thing

for a test drive, shall we?

Talent coming through!

Hit it!


You're gonna wanna

Sea Stariana


The Greatest Starfish

in the whole wide water

Swim, tell your mama

It's Stariana

Everyfishy's going to see

Everything's about me










Everyfishy's gonna see

Everything's about me

I'm Stariana, watch me flow

Say my name,

I know you know

Nothing hotter in the water

I'm the star,

I run the show

All the squiddos

clap their fins

Pinch themselves

like it's a dream

Sea me now,

they're saying wow!

It's Stariana!

Oh, my Gills!

And it's known

across the ocean

I'm the cause

of the commotion

Everyfishy wants to meet me

I deserve all

this devotion

Tap your tails

to my new b*at

All sold out,

no empty seats

Other songs just

can't compete

So play my chorus on repeat

You're gonna wanna

Sea Stariana

The Greatest Starfish

in the whole wide water

Oh, from the tuna

to the piranha

Everyfishy's gonna see

Everything is--

everything's about me



Now who's catchy?


So this is where

you live now, huh?

Yeah, me and--


Hi, Baby's best friend.

Uh, hi.

William, this is Lannie.

Nice to eat you.


I mean, nice to meet you!

Ugh, so close!

He-he, nice to meet you, too.

Baby, I've been working

on a secret tail-shake.

Wanna try?

- Oh, OK.



Nice one, Lannie!

Oh, you guys have

a secret tail-shake too?


So what do you

want to do first?

We've only got a couple of

hours until the Chomptacular.

Are you thinking

what I'm thinking?

Practice our dance

moves for ENHYPHEN!

Go to the Driftwood Derby!

Oh, wait, sorry.

What--wait, what did you say?

No, no, no, you go ahead.

Go to the Driftwood Derby!

Practice our dance

moves for ENHYPHEN!

Uh, we could go to

the Driftwood Derby.


Oh, no.

No, you're right.

Let's practice our dance moves.

I mean, if we're going to

dance on stage with ENHYPEN--

We better come prepared.

OK, yeah.

Then let's watch

"Keep Swimming Through"!

Ooh, good call.

That music video is too iconic.

I'll stay here and keep

practicing our tail shake!



Everyfishy get your

gills up, let's flow

Here in the sea,

you'll never swim alone


Turn it up, and get down

Feeling' good,

feeling fin-tastic now

Look at us underwater,

we rocking this

Yeah, you know the good

times are bottomless


Floating together

in harmony

Singing hey, hey

Making big waves down below

So don't give up when

the tide turns against you

You know you got friends

in the deep blue-ooooo

Keep swimming through-ooooo

Just flap those fins,

never stopping the motion

Together, our limit's

the ocean-ooooo

Keep swimming through-ooooo

Keep swimming through

Keep swimming through-ooooo

Keep swimming through

Keep swimming through-ooooo

No matter who you are,

a shrimp or a whale

No matter where you're from,

keep flapping' that tail

Cuz there's enough

love for every sea slug

Yes, even you Mr. Snail

Whooo whooo!

Flowing together in harmony

We're singing hey, hey

Making big waves down below

So don't give up when

the tide turns against you

You know you got friends

in the deep blue-ooooo

Keep swimming through-ooooo

Just flap those fins,

never stopping the motion

Together, our limit's

the ocean-ooooo

Keep swimming through-ooooo

Everyfishy flow

Keep swimming through

Keep swimming through-ooooo

Fins up for the turtles

Keep swimming through

Keep swimming through-ooooo

Keep swimming through

Keep swimming through-ooooo

I'm so excited

to shake our tails tonight!


We're going to

have so much fun.


Whew, all that

dancing made me hungry.

Well, you know I've got

after-song snackies for us.

Chomp City style!

Mmm, kelparoni pizza!

No, William, not like that.

In Chomp City,

we fold our slices.



I didn't realize

there was anything wrong

with the Carnivore Cove way.

You're really getting

used to city life, huh?

Baby, swear on your star mark

you'll give Chomp City a shot?

I love it here!


You love it, love it?

Yeah, there are more

things to do in Chomp City

than there are grains

of sand in the ocean.

Anything can happen.

Well, who knows?

Maybe I'll even make

a new best friend!

Uh, oh, I--

I didn't mean--

- Well, good!

Because I've already got

a new best friend, too.


You do?

Uh-huh. Yeah!

And we've been having tons

of fun back in Carnivore Cove.

I did notice you've got

some new inside jokes.

New inside jokes,

new adventures.

Almost didn't even have

time to come visit you.

Then--then why did you come?

I thought you wanted me here!

I mean, it's not

like I've been waiting

around crossing off the days.

Well, fine then!


You're just gonna leave?

What about the Chomptacular?

What about it?

I'm sure you'll enjoy it

without me just like the rest

of your new life.

Well, I guess we can't

stay best friends after all!

I guess not!

Floating all

alone in the water

How'd our fin-ship

get washed away?

I'd spend every

last sand dollar

To take back how I

hurt you this way

It's all crystal clear

It all disappeared

And I would give

anything to have you here

Wanna turn back time

Swimming in rewind

It's been fin-possible

to leave you behind

Wish I could pretend

that it didn't end

And now I'm oceans apart

From my best friend

We would harmonize,

it was pretty

Didn't need me, now

I'm singing alone

I got a new

life in Chomp City

But my heart will

always be in the Cove

Wanna turn back time

Swimming in rewind

It's fin-possible

to leave you behind

Wish I could pretend

that it didn't end

Now I'm oceans apart

From my best friend


Now I'm oceans apart

From my very best friend



Look, Gillie, it's beautiful.

Soon the whole wide water

will be chanting my name.

Bowing down to me.

Yeah, super cool.

Now let's see,

that little yellow nuisance

should be here any minute.

Bubble, bubble spill the tea.

Show me the catchiest

fish in the sea.

So much

for the Chomptacular.

He's not coming?

But the show's about to begin!


Don't stress.

Don't stress.

We can go get him!


And search the whole city?


I'm totally lost, aren't I?


Or maybe he could come to us.


Wait a minnow.

Ooh, Gillie, I could hug you.

I won't, but I could.

This can't be right.

Shello there!


Aren't you Stariana!


Pleased to meet you.




Stariana! Stariana!



Hm, that's weird.






What's going on?


Baby Shark.

Mail for you.




Huh, a Stariana flow stick?

Shello, Baby Shark.

You have something I want.

And it just so happens I

have somefishy you want.

What? William?

What is this?

Your best friend is

now under my control.

And we need a special guest

for my special

performance tonight.

Don't we, William?

Yes, Stariana.

If you want your

friend to swim free,

surrender your

star mark to me.

And give me the

power of your song!

The power of my song?

You get your friend,

I rule the whole ocean,

we're all happy as clams!


Show him the Siren Stone.

Gillie, I know how to

make an evil hologram, OK?

Come to the Chomptacular.

I'll be waiting.

OK, how do you turn

this thing off?


Stariana is a pop

starfish supervillain?

And she's captured William!

- Floating together--

- Huh?

--in harmony

If it's a song

Stariana wants,

maybe it's a song

that can stop her.

So don't give up when

the tide turns against you

You know you got friends

in the deep blue-ooooo

Keep swimming


But I'm going to

need some really

powerful backup singers.

Mrs. Shark, seafoam latte.

Extra seafoam.

Yes, Stariana.

William, less.

Yes, Stariana.

Here you are, Stariana.

They are just so

helpful when you have

complete control over them.

Stop everything!

Oh, hi, Stariana.

This will just take a moment.

Sweetie-fins, the worst

thing ever happened.

I was on my way

to Dr. Sawtooth,

but Waterways gave me the

craziest directions, and--

hey, uh, what's

up with your eyes?

Mr. Shark, is it?

Dr. Shark, actually.

But, yeah, you can

call me Gerald.

Time to be quiet, Gerald.





OK, I just have to make it

past security, find ENHYPEN's

tour sub, sneak inside, meet

my heroes without being too

weird, and convince them

to help me save music

across the whole wide water.

Well, here goes nothing.

Boom, boom, boom

Buh-da da-da-da-da

Boom, boom, boom

Buh-da da-da-da-da

Boom, boom, boom--ah!



Boom, boom, boom

Buh-da da-da-da-da


Buh-da da-da-da-da




Buh-da da-da-da-da

Hoo, hoo, ha

Boom, boom, boom

Buh-da da-da-da-da-dum

Bum, bum

Ha, ha, ha

Booda-booda-bo, ha

- Hey, you.


Hold up.

That little shark's with us.

Of course, Sharki B.,

Offshark, my apologies.

Ah, don't be

hard on yourself.

We all make mistakes.

Oh, thank toothness.

Hi, Sharki!

Hi, Offshark!

Aw, how you doing,

Kulture Sharki?

Pretty jaw-some.


Who's this?

Introducing the one and

only fin-credible Wavey Shark.


Our latest collab.

A lot's happened since we

saw you back in Carnivore Cove.

So what's going on?

You got yourself

in a bind, huh?

I really, really

need to meet ENHYPEN.

Um, yeah, who doesn't?

Do you know how I

might be able to get

onto their tour sub?

Well, those

belugas really love

their after-song snackies.

Maybe you could find

a way through the kitchen

over there.

Oh, thank you so, so much!

Good luck!

You got this!

Bye-bye, Baby Shark.

Is the gold dome too much?

There's never too

much gold for Jungwon.

This is ENHYPEN,

we need to wow!

Funny, because I seem

to recall you oversalting

the broth last time.

We're in the ocean.

We don't need more salt.

Just flap those fins

Never stopping the motion

Together, our limit's

the ocean-ooooo

Keep swimming through-ooooo

- All right, food's here.

There's a shark

in our chapaguri.

Uh, do we send it back?

I'm so, so, so, so, so excited

to meet you!

I'm Baby Shark!

And you're ENHYPEN!

And I'm Baby Shark,

in the same room as ENHYPEN!

Now, you say something.

Um, nice to meet you,

Baby Shark.

So can we help you?

Oh, right. Help.

Yes! I need it.

So, uh, you know

Stariana, right?



Oh, my gills, you have

the voice of an angelfish.

Well, turns out,

she's super evil.

She wants to rule

the whole wide water.

Your dance moves

are breathtaking.

And she fish-napped

my very best friend

to get me to help her do it!

I respect you deeply.

Also, she's using something

called the Siren Stone?

I think that's what's making

everyfishy obsessed with her!

They've got these dead eyes,

and they're all smiley, so--

um, yeah!

I sound ridiculous, don't I?

He has a star mark.

Oh. Yeah.

It's kind of my trademark.

You know what we have to do?

Gear up, everyfishy.


We're not just a boy band.

We're an elite team

of musical operatives

sworn to protect the harmony

of the underwater universe.


Shocking but true.

You're right about

the Siren Stone.

It's a powerful piece

of ancient musical magic.

We noticed it was missing.


But we couldn't

track its location.

If Stariana performs at the

Chomptacular using the power

of the Siren Stone,

she'll steal the song

from everyfishy's soul.

Once that happens, nofishy

will be able to sing any song

but hers.

But why is she after me?

Because of this.

My star mark?

Legend has it that the

catchiest fish in the sea

is marked by a star.

If Stariana steals

your song and your star mark,

she'll be unstoppable.

Yeah, that's why she

fish-napped your friend.

So this is all because of me?

Poor William!

I wish-- I wish he and I were

never friends to begin with.

Then we wouldn't have

gotten into a fight.

And he wouldn't

be in trouble now!

C'mon, Baby.

Don't say that.

Sometimes, we hurt

our friends' feelings.

We drift apart, and

come back together.

It may not always

look perfect,

but when you care

for some-fish else,

nothing can take that away.


Fin-ship conquers all.

And the fin-ship between you

and William can conquer this.

Do you really think so?

Fin-ship is the only thing

more powerful than music.

So you're ready to gear up?

Am I?

Can we have a tie, too?

You bet.

OK, now we're ready!

all: Let's

doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo this!

We're live in

just a few minutes.

Hey, Stariana!

Oh, goody,

you're just in time!

Hold still, this won't hurt a--

all: Harmony!

Ugh, why are they here?

We're here to stop you.

What you're doing

is wrong, Stariana.

Blah, blah, blah.

What part of "I don't care"

don't you understand?

She'll never listen, Baby.

We have to fight

music with music.

Wait, Stariana, please.

When you take fishies' songs,

you're taking away what

makes the ocean beautiful.

Everyfishy has a song to sing.

Oh, I agree.

And it's mine!







Oh, William!

Yes, Stariana.


William, snap out of it.

He can't hear you.

And the longer he's under my

spell, the more he forgets.

Soon, he won't even remember

you were ever friends.

That's not possible.



Unless, of course, you stop

being such a party pooper

and, oh, I don't know, give

me the power of your song.

Stariana, it's time!

Oh, guess you don't

care about your so-called

best friend after all.

Come on, William.

Right away, Stariana.


You can have it.

If you let William go, I'll--

I'll give you my star mark.

We love to hear it.






A deal's a deal.

I'm sorry, William.




I'm Stariana-na-na-na--





Yes. Yes.


Baby, are you OK?

At last!

The only thing standing in

my way was Baby Shark's song!

And now it's mine!

Gillie, I'm ready

to greet my subjects--

I mean, my fans.

Hello, folks.

Lance Bass coming to you

live from Swimmy Center

with the Chomptacular's

one and only performer,

debuting her new

single Stariana!

It's my ocean

It's, it's my ocean

You're just swimming in it

It's my ocean

It's, it's my ocean

You're just swimming in it

It's my ocean

It's, it's my ocean

You're just swimming in it

It's my ocean

It's, it's my ocean

You're just swimming in it

Fishy, don't

you even bother

Don't you know

I run the water

Better get used

to the notion

You just swimming in it

It's my ocean

So watch me winning

All the time, time, time

It's all mine, mine, mine

You should come and see

How I dominate the sea

With my rhyme, rhyme, rhyme

It's all mine, mine, mine

You squiddos came to play

But you know I came to win

All the time,

time, time, yeah

It's, it's my ocean

It's my ocean

It's, it's my ocean

It's my ocean

It's, it's my ocean

Yeah, it's my ocean

It's, it's my ocean

Fishy, don't

you even bother

Don't you know

I run the water

Better get used

to the notion

You just swimming in it

It's my ocean

So watch me winning

all the time, time, time

It's all mine, mine, mine

You should come and see

How I dominate the sea

With my rhyme, rhyme, rhyme

It's all mine, mine, mine

You squiddos came to play

But you know I came to win

All the time, time, time

It's, it's my ocean

It's my ocean

It's, it's my ocean





We're number one

in the Pacific!

The Atlantic!

The Arctic!

Baby, Baby, please,

you have to wake up.

You have to sing.

Only you can stop her!

I--I can't.

I'm just too tired.

I'm sorry, William.

Well, if you can't sing,

then I'll sing for you.

Baby Shark


Baby Shark

Baby Shark


Baby Shark

Baby Shark


Baby Shark

Baby Shark


Baby Shark

Come on, you can do it.

William, too


William, too,

William, too


William, too

both: Mommy Shark


Mommy Shark

Daddy Shark,


Camera Shark

Everyfishy got a song

And we all know

how to sing along

There's just no

way to do it wrong

So sing it loud,

and sing it strong

We wanna hear it

Wanna feel it

Be yourself,

you know you got to mean it

Let everyfishy sing it

Fishy, did I even stutter

I'm the one,

there is no other

Under my spell,

can't be broken

You just swimming in it

Winning all the

time, time, time

It's all mine, mine, mine

You should come and see


How I dominate the sea

With my rhyme, rhyme, rhyme

It's all mine, mine, mine

And the squiddos

came to play

But you know I came to win

All the time, time, time

Yeah, it's my ocean

Everyfishy's got a choice

So choose to let

'em hear your voice

And we know you

feel it, too

We're stronger when

we sing with you

We want to hear it

Want to feel it

Be yourself

You know you gotta mean it

And let everyfishy sing it!

Leah Shark


Lannie Shark


Dr. Sawtooth


Every shark


In the sea


Sing with me


And I'll sing for you

Cut their feed, Gillie!

Stop them!

Stariana-- sweet, sweet,

simple little Stariana--



What did you say?

Then I'll stop them myself!

Winning all

the time, time, time

It's all mine, mine, mine

You should come and see

How I dominate the sea

With my rhyme, rhyme, rhyme

It's all mine, mine, mine

You squiddos came to play

But you know I came to win

Baby Shark


Come on, everyfishy!

Bagel Shark


Traffic Shark


Every Shark


Even you

Construction Shark


Grumpy Shark


Sing with me


And I'll sing with you!

No. No!




All I ever wanted

was everything!

both: Baby Shark


Baby Shark

Baby Shark


Baby Shark

- Whoo-hoo!

Baby Shark


Baby Shark


Um, Baby, did we just

dance on stage with ENHYPEN?

We just danced on

stage with ENHYPEN!

I have no idea what just

happened, but I'm pretty

sure it was swim-sational!

I thought I lost you forever!

I thought I lost you forever!

Aw, William,

everything was changing.

And I didn't know

how to deal with it,

especially without you.

I'm sorry I hurt your feelings.

I'm sorry, too.

So you moved across

the seven seas.

So what?

A wise shark once told me our

fin-ship is bigger than that.

You know, I thought we

reached Peak Fin-ship before.

But I'm pretty sure

we're here right now.

And the view is fin-credible!

Their fin-ship is so pure!

Excuse me, but I just

have to say your teeth

are abso-toothly fin-credible!


Will you sign my retainer?

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Oh, no!

There's a musical crisis all

the way across the seven seas.

Duty calls.

Thanks for your help,

Baby Shark.

William, keep it real.

They know our names!

I know!

Play it cool.

Play it cool.

The pleasure's

all ours, Jungwon.

Catch you later.

- Bye-bye.

- See you later!

- Bye!

But please come visit anytime!

Literally anytime!



Do you think

I played that cool?

Uh, the coolest!

Whoo! That felt good.

Yeah, it really did.

Hey, what do you say we get

Smooth Sailing back together?

I mean, we did have the

costumes weirdly at the ready.

Get over here!

Aye-aye, captain!

Hm? Lannie!

Hey, Lannie!

Where you going?

Oh, you know,

I don't want to ruin

the whole best friends moment.

How about

a secret tail-shake?

Times three?

Is that even legal?

Only one way to find out.

all: Hey!

We're secret tail-shaking here!

Hey, hey, hey!

Forget about it, huh?

I can't believe I just

made two whole new friends.

And you're already leaving.

I know.

I'm really going

to miss you, Lannie.

But, hey, distance is no

match for fin-ship, right?


Now what do you say?

After song snackies?

Are you thinking

what I'm thinking?

Kelparoni pizza!

OK, yeah!

Home, sweet home.

Oh, hey, it's the Sharks.

- Oh, hey, Baby Shark.

- Welcome back.

It's good to be home.

Yeah, seems like

things around the Cove

are pretty much the same.

Well, there have been

a few slight changes.

Yeah, that's new.

What is going on here?

- Oh, dear.

- Uh-oh.

Who wants to trade?

Flow sticks

for an aura portrait!

Hey, where'd the music go?

both: Uh...

Hit it, Glamdaddy!

both: Welcome to Burning Sand!

Want to boogie, best friend?

You know it, best friend!

- Whoo!

- Whoo!


Keep swimming through

Keep swimming through-ooooo

Keep swimming through

Keep swimming through-ooooo

Baby Shark


Baby Shark

Mommy Shark


Mommy Shark

Daddy Shark


Daddy Shark

It's the end


It's the end!


Yeah, listen up


Ha-ha, let's flow!

Yeah, we got that

harmony like sunshine


Lighting every shadow up

with each rhyme


Fill the dark

with all our heart

That's who we are,

yeah, whoo!

I think it's about

time we turned the tide

And show the whole sea

that I

I got you,

get your dorsal fin

You got me,

never sink just swim

No matter how it's flowing

We're going fishy-fish,

you'll see, whoo!

Nothing's gonna

b*at our fin-ship, yeah

Love is all we

need to win it, yeah

Singing side by side

Winning every time

Nothing's gonna b*at our--

Nothing's gonna

b*at our fin-ship


Nothing's gonna

b*at our fin-ship


Nothing's gonna

b*at our fin-ship

With the whole

band drumming, hey

Anything you can face

You can overcome it

The whole wild world

Won't know what's coming

Cuz that's ba-ba bubbling

Fill the dark

with all our heart

That's who we are,

yeah, whoo

Sing la-la-la-la-la-la

I'm going to show

the whole sea

That I-- that I got you

I got your dorsal fin

Got me

Never sink, just swim

No matter how it's flowing

We're going fishy-fish,

you'll see

Let's go!

Nothing's gonna

b*at our fin-ship!


Love is all we

need to win it, yeah

Sing it side by side

My limit is the sky

Nothing's gonna b*at our--

Nothing's gonna

b*at our fin-ship


Nothing's gonna

b*at our fin-ship


Nothing's gonna

b*at our fin-ship

Nothing, nothing, nothing

Can swim in our way

Nothing, nothing, nothing

Is crashing this way

Nothing, nothing, nothing

Can swim in our way

We have something,

something, something

Look out for the fin-ship

Nothing's gonna be--

Nothing's gonna

b*at our fin-ship

Love is all we need to--

Love is all we need, yeah

Singing side by side

Winning every time

Nothing's gonna b*at--

Na, na, na

Nothing's gonna

b*at our fin-ship


Nothing's gonna b*at our


Nothing's gonna

b*at our fin-ship


Nothing's gonna

b*at our fin-ship

Welcome to Chomp City

Where the world is

bright and pretty

You'll see every fish,

she's singing

As they're swimming along,

swimming along

We got fashion shows

So strike a pose

Show off those stripes

and spots, you know

Downtown don't sleep,

it's the undertow

Where it all begins

So dive on in

Go and live your

best new life

Soak in the city lights

You'll sing

your song in time

Come on, dive on in

Different tails

and different fins

Every fishy fits right in

Here's where

your song begins

Go and dive on in

Next on the plate

We're going

to treat you

A slice of kelparoni pizza

Do it like this, it folds

Am I doing it right?

Yeah, take a bite

Always something new

Can't run out

of things to do

The greatest place

in the deep blue

Yeah, it's true

So dive on in

Go and live your

best new life

Soak in the city lights

You'll sing

your song in time

Come on, dive on in


Ooo-ooh wah-ooh!


Ooo-ooh wah-ooh!

So dive on in

Everyfishy, get your

gills up, let's flow

Here in the sea you'll

never swim alone

Turn it up, and get down

Feeling good, feeling

fin-tastic now

Look at us underwater,

we rocking this

Yeah, you know the good

times are bottomless

Floating together

in harmony

Singing hey, hey

Making big waves down


So don't give up when the

tide turns against you

You know you got friends

in the deep blue-ooooo

Keep swimming


Just flap those fins,

never stopping the motion

Together, our limit's

the ocean-ooooo

Keep swimming


Keep swimming through

Keep swimming


Keep swimming through

Keep swimming


No matter who you are,

a shrimp or a whale

No matter where you're from,

keep flapping that tail

'Cause there's enough love

For every sea slug

Yes, even for you,

Mr. Snail

Whooo whooo!

Floating together

in harmony

Singing hey, hey

Making big waves

down below

So don't give up when the

tide turns against you

You know you got friends

in the deep blue-ooooo

Keep swimming


Just flap those fins

never stopping the motion

Together, our limit's

the ocean-ooooo

Keep swimming


Every fishy flow

Keep swimming through

I Keep swimming


Fins up for the turtles

Keep swimming through

Keep swimming


Um, Mail Whale, I think

it's past your bedtime.


OK, goodnight!


Baby Shark


Baby Shark

Baby Shark's Big Movie!/Transcript (2024)


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Views: 6348

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Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.