Baked Figs with Goat Cheese • Happy Kitchen (2024)

Easy 15-minute Baked Figs with Goat Cheese, walnuts, honey and sage recipe. These roasted figs make for an easy appetizer your guests will love!

Baked Figs with Goat Cheese • Happy Kitchen (1)

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Fig season has finally started and I couldn’t be happier! Even though it means that summer is almost over (which is hard to believe yet, because the weather is awesome), I’m really enjoying the abundance of apples, corn, stone fruits, eggplants, pears and of course figs. Soon we’ll turn into comfort food, so I’ll make my favorite vegan mushroom crostini. But for now, I get as much figs as I can.

The fig season is short, so make sure you got enough! Besides eating them raw or making open-faced sandwiches with figs and cheese, I like to bake them with goat cheese. Lusciously sweet, chewy roasted figs with smooth skin and crunchy seeds pair so well with savory and soft goat cheese. Figs have a really unique taste and texture that no other fruit has.

They are perfect in sweet dishes, but also in savory ones, paired with cheese, walnuts, honey and sage. So, if you love figs, I have a baked figs recipe for you I’m sure you will love. I mean who doesn’t love figs and goat cheese, right?

Baked Figs with Goat Cheese • Happy Kitchen (2)

This simple appetizer highlights the fig flavor in a very elegant way. It’s incredibly delicious and pretty, which makes it a party pleaser and a nice accompaniment for wine. Besides, this recipe comes together within minutes and requires just five simple ingredients: figs, goat cheese, honey, walnuts and sage.

Baked Figs with Goat Cheese • Happy Kitchen (3)

How to Choose Perfectly Ripe Figs

Figs are very fragile, so they are not stored for long. Choose figs with slightly bent stems weary skin, which is a sign of ripeness and rich flavor. Avoid buying shrunken and squishy figs, especially if they are oozing from splits. Plan on eating them right away or store them in the fridge for a couple of days, although they are stored best at room temperature.

Baked Figs with Goat Cheese • Happy Kitchen (4)

How to Make Baked Figs with Goat Cheese

First, cut off the stems and make an X cut in the top of each fig half way through. Now we are going to stuff them with soft goat cheese using a teaspoon. When you are done with that, sprinkle some chopped walnuts and sage on your stuffed figs and drizzle with honey. Add salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.

I used Le Creuset rectangular baking dish for this recipe and it was just the right size.

Broil the figs in a hot oven for about 5 minutes or until they look soft and release juice. You can serve these baked figs warm or cold. They are delicious both ways.

Baked Figs with Goat Cheese • Happy Kitchen (5)

What to Pair Figs with:

  1. Try to substitute goat cheese with ricotta, Parmesan, mozzarella or blue cheeses like Gorgonzola or Stilton;
  2. Adding capers or olives highlights the sweet taste of figs and adds an extra savory note;
  3. A drizzle of lemon juice over figs will add a tangy touch to your figs;
  4. If not vegetarian, try wrapping figs in prosciutto ham and bake;
  5. Balsamic vinegar or balsamic reduction pairs nicely with figs;
  6. Try using almonds, pistachios, pine seeds or pecans instead of walnuts;
  7. Substitute sage for rosemary, thyme or basil;
  8. Try adding warm spices like star anise, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg or cinnamon;
  9. Serve figs as an addition to your cheese plate and don’t forget the wine! 😉

Baked Figs with Goat Cheese • Happy Kitchen (6)

What wine pairs well with figs?

When it comes to pairing wine with fresh or roasted figs, the good thing is that there is a wide choice. You can go with red wine, white wine, rosé or even Prosecco.

If you like white wine, the most universal choice to pair roasted figs with would be light-bodied Pinot Grigio or dry Riesling. Refreshing fruity citrus aroma will highlight the delicate flavors of baked figs with goat cheese.

As for red wines, I recommend Chianti, Shiraz or Pinot Noir. Their light and crisp flavors compliment the roasted figs without overpowering them.

Baked Figs with Goat Cheese Recipe Video

Here is a video recipe for my baked figs with goat cheese. If you can’t see the video, disable your AdBlock for this page by clicking on the AdBlock button and selecting Don’t run on this page.

Please see the full recipe below for exact ingredient amounts and instructions. Enjoy it on your next party or dinner gathering!

Baked Figs with Goat Cheese • Happy Kitchen (7)


4.70 from 81 votes

Baked Figs with Goat Cheese

Easy 15-minute Baked Figs with Goat Cheese, walnuts, honey and sage recipe. These baked figs make for an elegant savory appetizer your guests will love!

Course Appetizer

Cuisine European

Prep Time 10 minutes minutes

Cook Time 5 minutes minutes

Total Time 15 minutes minutes

Servings 2 servings

Calories 286kcal

Author Elena Szeliga


  • 6 medium-sized figs
  • 80 grams or 2.8 oz soft goat cheese
  • 2 tablespoons chopped walnuts
  • 1 tablespoon chopped sage
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste


  • Preheat the oven to 200 °C or 390 °F. Cut off the stems and make an X cut in the top of each fig half way through.

  • Stuff the figs with soft goat cheese using a teaspoon. Sprinkle some chopped walnuts and sage over your stuffed figs and drizzle them with honey. Add salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. I used Le Creuset rectangular baking dish for this recipe and it was just the right size.

  • Broil for about 5 minutes or until they look soft and release juice. Serve them warm or cold with a glass of wine. Enjoy!


Here are some more ideas on what to pair figs with:

  1. Try to substitute goat cheese with ricotta, Parmesan, mozzarella or blue cheeses like Gorgonzola or Stilton;
  2. Adding capers or olives highlights the sweet taste of figs and adds an extra savory note;
  3. A drizzle of lemon juice over figs will add a tangy touch to your figs;
  4. If not vegetarian, try wrapping figs in prosciutto ham and bake;
  5. Balsamic vinegar or balsamic reduction pairs nicely with figs;
  6. Try using almonds, pistachios or pecans instead of walnuts;
  7. Substitute sage for rosemary, thyme or basil;
  8. Try adding warm spices like star anise, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg or cinnamon;
  9. Serve figs as an addition to your cheese plate and don't forget the wine!


Calories: 286kcal | Carbohydrates: 30g | Protein: 10g | Fat: 15g | Saturated Fat: 6g | Cholesterol: 18mg | Sodium: 149mg | Potassium: 392mg | Fiber: 5g | Sugar: 25g | Vitamin A: 625IU | Vitamin C: 3mg | Calcium: 138mg | Iron: 1.9mg

Tried this recipe?Follow on Instagram and show me the recipes you are making from my blog using the hashtag #happykitchenrocks!

Other Gourmet Appetizer Recipe You’ll Love:

  • Baked Pears with Gorgonzola and Honey
  • Easy Cranberry Baked Brie with Thyme
  • Goat Cheese Crostini with Rhubarb Chutney
  • Healthy Beet Galette with Goat Cheese
  • Classic Insalata Caprese (Tomato Mozzarella Salad)
Baked Figs with Goat Cheese • Happy Kitchen (2024)


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