Latest News | The Bureau of Statistics and Plans Guam (2024)



Public Notice: Guam Southern Ring Buried Fiber Optic Cable and 5G Project for Sole Source

January 25, 2024No Comments

The Bureau of Statistics and Plans (Bureau) is issuing this public notice to the public for the Guam Southern Ring Buried Fiber Optic Cable and 5G project. The Bureau was awarded federal funds from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) servicing the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) under the Broadband Infrastructure Program.

Total federal award amount: $12,770,692.18

Term: 03/01/2022 to 02/28/2025

The funding covers two projects to include the a) Guam Southern Ring Buried Fiber Optic Cable and 5G project in the amount of $11,360,146.93 to be conducted by subrecipient, PTI Pacifica, Inc., dba IT&E and b) Project to Provide Low Latency to Guam Users in the amount of $1,410,545.25 to be conducted by subrecipient, TeleGuam Holdings, LLC dba GTA.

Project: Guam Southern Ring Buried Fiber Optic Cable and 5G project. IT&E proposes to install strand buried fiber optic cable to 26 existing wireless tower sites along the major routes in southern Guam in a ring architecture with two physically-diverse, interconnected rings from Piti to Chalan Pago to provide survivable broadband infrastructure and 5G broadband internet service to historically unserved and underserved residents, businesses and anchor institutions in southern Guam.

Pursuant to 5 GCA, Division 1, Chapter 5 § 5214, the Bureau issues this sole source determination with PTI Pacifica, Inc., dba IT&E, to procure Ericsson wireless equipment and Ericsson RAN software to support the Guam Southern Ring Buried Fiber Optic Cable and 5G project. The nature of the sole source procurement from IT&E covers the

  • Ericsson equipment associated with adding antennas and radios to existing towers to support fixed wireless access over the cellular signals; and
  • Ericsson RAN software to enable the 5G features of the wireless network

The Director of the Bureau of Statistics and Plans, in cooperation with the Chief Technology Officer of the Office of Technology, and the Director of the Department of Public Works have determined the sole source procurement of the Ericsson equipment and RAN software by PTI Pacifica, Inc., dba IT&E to be fair and reasonable and in the best interests for the people of Guam.

2nd Public Review – Bureau of Statistics and Plans FY 2023 Edward Byrne JAG Application

December 7, 2023No Comments

2019-2022 Byrne Strategy_Revised Oct2023
Guam FY 2023 JAG_Program Narrative_Rev FnDrft Oct2023
Byrne JAG Stakeholders

Håfa Adai! Following the announcement of the FY 2023 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program (JAG) solicitation notice, the Bureau of Statistics and Plans on August 22, 2023 released for public review the draft of Guam’s FY 2023 JAG Program Narrative. The deadline to submit comments on the draft narrative was initially set for September 21, 2023 to meet the public review requirements as provided in the solicitation.

Although the Bureau did receive one comment during the public review period, the comment was specific to leveraging additional funding resources to law enforcement with other federal funding initiatives. However, following the conclusion of the public review, the Bureau was made aware of sunset provisions under the Justice for All Reauthorization Act (JFARA) of 2016 in regards to the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) of 2003. Since 2014, the Governor of Guam has taken the approach to certify Guam’s commitment to use the 5% mandated set-aside under the Byrne JAG Program to meet compliance with the PREA Standards in future years. To ensure that resources are available to meet the PREA Standards, the Bureau will address the inclusion of a new program initiative under the Law Enforcement Priority in regards to the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Standards to prevent, detect, and respond to sexual abuse and sexual harassment in adult and juvenile confinement facilities.

In 2012, DOJ published the National Standards to Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Prison Rape (PREA Standards), which were promulgated to prevent, detect, and respond to sexual victimization and abuse in confinement settings. The National PREA Standards are set out at 28 C.F.R. Part 115 and apply to confinement facilities, including adult prisons and jails, juvenile facilities, and police lockups. The PREA statute provides that a state whose Governor does not certify full compliance with DOJ’s PREA Standards (34 U.S.C. 30307(e)) is subject to the loss of 5 percent of any DOJ grant funds that it would otherwise receive for prison purposes, unless the Governor submits to the Attorney General an assurance that such 5 percent will be used by the state solely to adopt and achieve full compliance with the PREA Standards in future years. In addition, the Justice for All Reauthorization Act (JFARA) of 2016, which was enacted on December 16, 2016, includes an amendment to the PREA statute. Per the PREA amendment under JFARA, the assurance option sunset was effective on December 16, 2022 (See 34 U.S.C. § 30307(e)(2)(D)). The PREA amendment also provides that, for 2 years following the assurance sunset, a Governor who can certify that the state has had audits for at least 90 percent of facilities under the operational control of the Governor may request that the Attorney General allow submission of an emergency assurance. An emergency assurance means the state will use not less than 5 percent of certain DOJ grant funds solely for the purpose of enabling the state to achieve and certify full compliance with the Standards in future years. Therefore, following the sunset of the assurance on December 16, 2022, Governors who meet the above criteria have two opportunities to submit an emergency assurance.

Since 2014, PREA Reallocation Funds have been used to support the installation of a PREA computer base training and management system for both DOC and DYA, the purchase, installation and maintenance of surveillance security camera systems, the conduct of a PREA Progress (Mock Audit) and First Year Audit with all DOC facilities and DYA. Funds have also been used for education and awareness through the reproduction of posters and flyers that will be posted in all visible locations throughout DOC and DYA facilities and brochures distributed to all staff, confined inmates, detained youth in custody and incoming youth in custody during processing. Both DOC and DYA continue to make good faith efforts with training of staff, officers and volunteers and contractors, as well as addressing the need to conduct background checks of all involved in the facility. Further, both DOC and DYA will also continue to review their audit results to meet their respective corrective action plans and continue implementing PREA education/training programs and establish MOUs with existing stakeholders to address gaps in investigation and victim services protocols.

The FY 2022 Implementing the PREA Standards, Protecting People Who Are Incarcerated, and Safeguarding Communities Project provided the opportunity for the recruitment of PREA Program Coordinators to develop a comprehensive plan that will guide PREA-related activities in the day-to-day operations and cultures in terms of training, education and outreach programs to employees, service providers/contractors and residents. In collaboration with the Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) coach, both DOC and DYA were recently approved by PREA Management Office their individual Implementation/Action Plan and Implementation Task Plan and Timeline to be implemented with fidelity in future years with the goal of achieving full compliance with the PREA Standards and reducing and preventing sexual abuse within each facility.

In light of this federal mandate along with the sunset provisions of the Justice for All Reauthorization Act (JFARA), the Bureau of Statistics and Plans will address the inclusion of the PREA Standards to prevent, detect, and respond to sexual victimization and abuse in confinement settings under the Law Enforcement Priority as this an approved priority program area under the FY 2019-2022 Multi Year Strategy for Drug Control, Violent Crime and Criminal Justice Systems Improvement Plan. To satisfy the public review requirement with the program inclusion, the Bureau is, once again, making available the draft narrative application for review to the governing body of the state, the public and criminal justice stakeholders. Please refer to the Bureau’s website at to access the draft of Guam’s FY 2023 JAG Program Narrative for your review or download.

Should you have any comments or concerns with the revised Guam FY 2023 JAG Program Narrative application, please provide your written comments to the Bureau by no later than 4:00 pm on Monday, November 27, 2023. If we do not receive any comments by then, the Bureau will assume that you concur with the application.

Your continued support of our JAG Program is greatly appreciated. Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Ms. Millie Erguiza, Senior Planner, at 472-4201/2/3 or by email at or Si Yu’os Ma’åse’.


October 24, 2023No Comments


Guam Coastal Management Program, Bureau of Statistics and Plans

DATE: October 24, 2023

NOTICE: The Guam Coastal Management Program has submitted a program change request to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Office for Coastal Management (OCM) under 15 CFR § 923.84 (federal regulations implementing the national Coastal Zone Management Act). The request seeks OCM’s approval to incorporate changes to the Guam Coastal Management Program’s Program Authorities.

PURPOSE OF NOTICE: This is an opportunity to submit comments on this program change. This notice has been sent to affected and interested parties including local governments, state agencies, and regional offices of relevant federal agencies as required by 15 CFR §923.84. The Coastal Zone Management Act regulations require states with Coastal Zone Management Programs (CZMP) to submit to OCM changes that affect federal approval of a state’s CZMP.

Guam’s CZMP: The Guam Coastal Management Program (GCMP) of the Bureau of Statistics and Plans manages and administers Guam’s CZMP, which defines the coastal zone as the entire island of Guam with a seaward outer limit of three nautical miles. GCMP is a networked agency with a number of agencies and instrumentalities of the Government of Guam principally responsible for certain coastal management activities. GCMP’s Program Authorities are outlined in the Guam Coastal Management Program and Final Environmental Impact Statement (Volume 1, pg. 114-116), and additional authorities as were adopted by Guam’s 1990 Routine Program Implementation, Guam’s 2013 Routine Program Change, and Guam’s 2023 Program Change (GU-2022-1).

DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES: GCMP is updating its Program Authorities that it uses to review and make decisions on projects. The proposed changes to Program Authorities include an authority which is under the principal responsibility of the Chamorro Land Trust Commission. The proposed change under the Chamorro Land Trust Commission is the addition of the Guam Undersea Access for Homes Act (GUAHA), 21 GCA Ch. 75A Art. 2. In support of GCMP’s request, GCMP has provided a brief overview description of the proposed program change, a brief summary of the changes of the authority and how the management program as changed is different from the previously approved management program, and a program change table.

Guam 2022 Program Change (GU-2023-1) Documents:

    • Letter from Director Lola E. Leon Guerrero Transmitting the Guam 2023 Program Change to the NOAA Office of Coastal Management
    • General Overview Description
    • Brief Summary of Each Proposed Change
    • Program Change Table
    • Program Authority Document

Any comments on this program change to Guam’s approved Coastal Management Program should be submitted directly to the NOAA Office of Coastal Management on NOAA’s Program Change website under File Number GU-2023-1 at:

Comments on this program change request must be submitted within 21 days of this notice.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For additional information please contact:Edwin Reyes at (671) 475-9672;

Public Review – Bureau of Statistics and Plans FY 2023 Edward Byrne JAG Application

August 22, 2023No Comments

The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) has announced the solicitation for the FY 2023 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program (JAG). As the State Administrative Agency (SAA) of the JAG program, the Bureau has prepared Guam’s FY 2023 JAG Program Narrative. The application submission deadline to the Bureau of Justice Assistance through the JustGrants System is August 30, 2023.

In compliance with the solicitation requirements to ensure the opportunity to comment on the application is made available for review to the governing body of the state, the public and criminal justice stakeholders, enclosed is Guam’s FY 2023 Byrne JAG Program Narrative for review. Click here to download the draft program narrative.

Guam’s plan reflects how the FY 2023 Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program will be used to address improving the functioning of Guam’s criminal justice system. Prior year JAG Program Narratives were developed following the priority areas defined in the Guam FY 2019-2022 Multi Year Strategy for Drug Control, Violent Crime and Criminal Justice Systems Improvement. The Bureau, with guidance and input from the National Criminal Justice Association (NVJA), will be engaging stakeholder involvement in the development of a new strategic plan to address improving the effectiveness and efficiency of Guam’s criminal justice systems and to guide Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program funds in support of critical programs needed to prevent or reduce crime and violence on Guam, information technology to improve Guam’s Criminal Justice Information Systems and treatment and rehabilitation programs to address substance abuse and recidivism. The strategic plan will be developed with input from a broad range of identified stakeholders, will describe evidence-based approaches that will be used for planning, program implementation; and will illustrate how Guam will allocate or prioritize funding.

The new updated strategy, when completed, will pull together limited resources and target them to programs to prevent or reduce crime and violence and which will permit capacity building, which could not have otherwise been implemented.

In the interim of a new updated Strategy for Drug Control, Violent Crime and Criminal Justice Systems Improvement for Guam and following the FY 2023 Byrne JAG State Solicitation requirements, the Bureau will prepare a State Annual Report that will provide a summary update of program implementation efforts as detailed in the statewide strategic plan and will 1) discuss the changing circ*mstances in the state, if any, since the strategic plan was adopted; 2) describe how the state plans to adjust funding within and among each of the JAG Program areas; 3) provide an ongoing assessment of need; 4) discuss the accomplishment of the goals identified in the strategic plan; and 5) reflect how the plan influenced funding decisions in the previous year.

Further, as called for in the FY 2023 Byrne JAG Program State Solicitation, the Bureau is also in the process of developing the Death in Custody Reporting Act (DCRA) State Implementation Plan. The DCRA Implementation Plan will address the process that Guam utilizes for collecting and reporting DCRA program data with the Guam Police Department, the Guam Department of Corrections, the Guam Department of Youth Affairs and the Marshals Division, Judiciary of Guam.

The FY 2023 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Narrative will continue to address the funding priorities identified in the 2019-2022 Strategy for Drug Control, Violent Crime and Criminal Justice Systems Improvement until a new updated strategy is in place. The priorities identified were based on the needs of Guam’s criminal justice programs throughout the island. The priority areas identified are Technology Improvement, Treatment and Rehabilitation, Law Enforcement, Prevention and Education, and Corrections and Community Corrections.

Should you have any comments or concerns with Guam’s FY 2023 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program Narrative application, please provide your written comments to the Bureau by no later than 5:00 pm on Thursday, September 21, 2023. If we do not receive any comments by then, the Bureau will assume that you concur with the Guam’s FY 2023 JAG application.

Your continued support of our JAG Program is greatly appreciated. Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Ms. Millie Erguiza, Senior Planner, at 472-4201/2/3 or by email at or


UPDATE: Draft – Guam’s FY 2020 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program Narrative

Available for Public Comment

The FY 2020 Edward Byrne Memorial justice Assistance Grant Program solicitation wasreleased on March 12, 2020. The application deadline was May 11, 2020, The draft narrative was made available to the state governing body (legislature), the public and criminal justice stakeholders on March 31, 2020 for public review.

To satisfy the 30-day review period, comments were due to the Bureau on May 04, 2020 to meet the submission deadline of May 11, 2020. The Bureau further extended the review period to May 15, 2020 as the application deadline was extended to May 29, 2020.Following the conclusion of the public review period, the Bureau received two comments on the FY 2020 Byrne JAG Program Narrative. The comments received requested consideration for video conferencing in response to the global pandemic of COVID-19 and social distancing requirements. Video conferencing will be an alternative to travel and in-person interactions between inmates, defendants, and all parties related to trials and judgment. Because of distancing measures that have been put in place to help prevent and reduce the spread of the coronavirus, countries worldwide are now addressing the use of courtroom technology in supporting the criminal justice system.

With the need to reevaluate operations for the health and safety of all employees, patrons and especially those in confinement facilities, the Bureau will address the inclusion of video conferencing under the Planning, Evaluation and Technology Improvement Program as this is an approved priority program area under the FY 2019-2022 Multi-Year Strategy for Drug Control, Violent Crime and Criminal Justice Systems Improvement Plan.

To allow the opportunity to provide comments to satisfy the public review requirement, the Bureau, is once again, making available the Draft of Guam’s FY 2020 ByrneJustice Assistance Grant Program Narrative for public comment regarding the inclusion of Video Conferencing under the Planning, Evaluation and Technology Improvement Program on May 28, 2020. The deadline tosubmit comments on the draft program narrative is Monday, June 29, 2020 by 4 pm.

Comments can be mailed to the Bureau of Statistics and Plans, P.O. Box 2950, Hagatna, Guam96932 or email to Click here to download the Draft for Guam’s FY 2020 ByrneJustice Assistance Grant Program Narrative.

Request for Proposal

Procurement of Professional Services to Provide a Technical Needs Assessment and Information Technology Strategic Plan for the Government of Guam Executive Branch

Proposal No.: RFP-BSP-2020-003

To request a copy of the RFP, please email the following information to Ms. Lola Leon Guerrero to register your company:

  • Full Name of the Offeror’s or Company Name:
  • Authorized Representatives’ Name and Title for the RFP:
  • Email Address
  • Telephone Number
  • Fax Number

Upon registration, you will be sent an electronic copy of RFP-BSP-2020-003

Guam’s FY 2020 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program Narrative

Available for Public Comment

The FY 2020 Edward Byrne Memorial justice Assistance Grant Program solicitation wasreleased on March 12, 2020. The application deadline is May 11, 2020. To comply with the solicitation’s requirements for public review, the Bureau of Statistics and Plans made available tothe islands State Governing Body the application, specifically to Speaker of the 35th Guam Legislature, the Vice Speaker of the 35th Guam Legislature, Chairperson on PublicSafety, Border Safety, Military and Veteran Affairs, Mayors Council, Infrastructure and PublicTransit, Chairperson on Health, Tourism, Historic Preservation, Land and Justice andChairperson on Higher Education and the Advancement of Women, Youth and Senior Citizens,the public and criminal justice stakeholders on April 01, 2020 for review and comments. The deadline to submit comments on the program narrative is Monday, May 04, 2020.

To satisfy the public review requirement, the Bureau is making Guam’s FY 2020 ByrneJustice Assistance Grant Program Narrative available for public comment on April 01, 2020. The deadline tosubmit comments on the program narrative is Monday, May 04, 2020 .

Comments can be mailed to Bureau of Statistics and Plans, P.O. Box 2950, Hagatna, Guam96932 or email to You may access the pdf copy of Guam’s FY 2020 ByrneJustice Assistance Grant Program Narrative below.


Adelup, Guam (December 20, 2019) – Release of the 2018 Guam Statistical Yearbook

The Bureau of Statistics and Plans (BSP) announces the release of the 2018 Guam Statistical Yearbook. The annual yearbook provides important historical and economic, social and physical data that policy makers and leaders, researchers, planners, developers, investors and individuals will find useful to analyze patterns or trends and make informed decisions for the benefit of present and future generations of Guam. The 2018 Guam Statistical Yearbook comprises of twenty-three chapters and over five-hundred tables. Please click below to access.

Request For Proposal

Procurement of Professional Services to Provide a Technical Needs Assessment and Information Technology Strategic Plan for the Government of Guam Executive Branch

Proposal No.: RFP-BSP-2020-001

To request a copy of the RFP, please email Terry Cuabo

Latest News | The Bureau of Statistics and Plans Guam (5)

Latest News | The Bureau of Statistics and Plans Guam (6)

July 31, 2019

Request For Proposal

Procurement of Professional Services for Creative Design, Production, Distribution, Media and Event Coordination for the 2020 Census of Guam

Proposal No.: RFP-BSP-2019-005

To request a copy of the RFP, please email April Manibusan at

May 29, 2019

Guam’s Draft FY 2019 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program Narrative

Available for Public Comment

The FY 2019 Edward Byrne Memorial justice Assistance Grant Program solicitation wasreleased on April 24, 2019. The application deadline is June 25, 2019. To comply with thesolicitations requirements for public review, the Bureau of Statistics and Plans made available tothe islands State Governing Body the draft application, specifically to Speaker of the Speaker ofthe 35 th Guam Legislature, the Vice Speaker of the 35 th Guam Legislature, Chairperson on PublicSafety, Border Safety, Military and Veteran Affairs, Mayors Council, Infrastructure and PublicTransit, Chairperson on Health, Tourism, Historic Preservation, Land and Justice andChairperson on Higher Education and the Advancement of Women, Youth and Senior Citizens,the public and criminal justice stakeholders on May 29, 2019 for review and comments onWednesday, May 29, 2019. The deadline to submit comments on the application is Friday, June28, 2019.

To satisfy the public review requirement, the Bureau is making Guam’s Draft FY 2019 ByrneJustice Assistance Grant Program Narrative available for public comment. The deadline tosubmit comments on the application is Friday, June 28, 2019.

Comments can be mailed to: Bureau of Statistics and Plans, P.O. Box 2950, Hagatna, Guam96932 or email to Click here to download Guam’s Draft FY 2019 ByrneJustice Assistance Grant Program Narrative.

May 17, 2019

Request For Proposal

Procurement of Professional Land Scaping Services for the Removal of

Invasive Bamboo Stands within Priority Watersheds

Proposal No.: RFP BSP 2019-004

To request a copy of the RFP, please email Lola Leon Guerrero at

May 05, 2019

Guam’s FY 2019-2022 Strategy for Drug Control, Violent Crime and Criminal Justice Systems Improvement

The Bureau of Statistics and Plans (Bureau) has completed the draft of Guam’s FY 2019-2022 Strategy for Drug Control, Violent Crime and Criminal Justice Systems Improvement. The plan outlines the types of programs to be funded by JAG award and provides a brief analysis of the need for the programs.The plan also identifies statewide priorities and planning, anticipated coordination efforts involving JAG and related justice funds.

To provide the opportunity to comment, the strategic plan is being made available for review to the governing body of the state, the public and criminal justice stakeholders.Should you have any comments or concerns with the FY 2019-2022 Strategy for Drug Control, Violent Crime and Criminal Justice Systems Improvement, please provide your written comments to the Bureau by no later than 5:00 pm on Monday, May 20, 2019.Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Lola E. Leon Guerrero, Chief Planner, at472-4201/2/3or by email

Please click here to view the plan.

February 21, 2019

Request For Proposal

Public Access Stakeholder Engagement and Inventory

Proposal No.: RFP BSP 2019-002

To request a copy or inquire more information aboutRFP BSP 2019-002,

please email Julie Nededog at

January 14, 2019

Guardians of the Reef

The Bureau of Statistics and Plans, in partnership with the Guam Department of Education, are implementing the 14th year of the Guardians of the Reef Program in 2019. Guardians of the Reef is a service learning program that trains participating high school students to conduct presentations to third grade students in the classroom setting about coral reefs, their importance to our island, the threats they face, and actions they can take to help preserve these valuable resources.

The Guardians of the Reef training was held on Saturday, January 12, 2019 from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm, at the Outrigger Guam Beach Resort. In attendance were 75 high school students from Simon A. Sanchez, John F. Kennedy, Okkodo, George Washington, Southern, and for their first year participating in the program, Tiyan High School. The Guardians of the Reef are expected to begin conducting presentations for third grade students as early as February. In 2018, the Guardians of the Reef conducted presentations to over 2,400 third grade students. The Guardians of the Reef look forward to reaching more third grade students this year with the one additional high school that has joined the program.

For more information regarding the program, please contact Tyrone J. Taitano at the Bureau of Statistics and Plans at (671) 472-4201/2/3 or (671) 988-4612.

View our gallery below of pictures from the 2019 Guardians of the Reef Training.

December 19, 2018

Guam Year of the Reef Newsletter: 2018 December

November 6, 2018

Guam Year of the Reef Newsletter: 2018 November

October 3, 2018

Guam Year of the Reef Newsletter: 2018 October

October 2, 2018

The Bureau of Statistics of Plans is pleased to announce the FY 2017 & 2018 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program solicitation. JAG funded projects may address crime through the provision of services directly to individuals and or communities and by improving the effectiveness and efficiency of criminal justice systems, processes, and procedures. The FY 2013-2016 Strategy for Drug Control, Violent Crime and Criminal Justice Systems Improvement Strategy, developed by the Bureau of Statistics and Plans, in collaboration with Guam’s criminal justice entities and resource agencies, reflects the use of JAG funds to support criminal justice initiatives on island.

The priorities addressed in Guam’s FY 2013–2016 Drug Control, Violent Crime and Criminal Justice Systems Improvement Strategy are law enforcement, prosecution and court programs, corrections and community corrections, drug treatment and enforcement, and planning, evaluation and technology improvement. These priorities remain in effect until a new strategy is developed for 2019-2023.

The Bureau is initiating the request for proposals to allow the opportunity for interested applicants to submit project proposals consistent with the approved priority areas and the Bureau of Justice Assistance requirements. The proposed programs under each priority areas are as follows:

Law Enforcement Priority

  • Multijurisdictional Drug Task Forces Program

Sexual Assault and Violent Crime Priority

  • Forensic Medical Examination of Sexual Assault Program
  • Sexual Assault Prosecution Program

Treatment and Rehabilitation Priority

  • Correctional Treatment and Rehabilitative Program
  • Recovery Oriented Systems of Care Program for Substance Abuse Offenders
  • Drug Court Program

Technology Improvement Priority

  • Criminal Justice Records Improvement Program

Applicants should anticipate that awards under the Byrne JAG are limited and should accordingly propose project activities and deliverables that can be accomplished without additional U.S. Department of Justice funding and within the specified project period. Project proposals submitted will be reviewed to determine applicability with the approved priority areas, proposed goals and objectives and the deliverables of performance measures and project activities. In addition, the Bureau will also take into consideration prior award performance in terms of goal achievement of individual funded projects, compliance with both fiscal and program reporting requirements, the timely expenditure of funds in accordance with approved budgets, compliance with the Office of Civil Rights requirements and other BJA grant award requirements.

Proposals may be submitted by any established non-profit organization, faith-based organization, law enforcement, victim services, and substance abuse public agencies that are consistent with the approved BJA programs identified in the 2016 Byrne JAG Program Strategy Update.

All proposals for review and funding consideration must be submitted to the Bureau of Statistics and Plans by 4:00 p.m., Friday, October 26, 2018. Attached is the 2017 & 2018 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program Request for Proposal Application Instructions Guide for your use in preparing your project proposal. Please ensure project proposals follow the required information as provided in the guide book. Applications received after this date will not be accepted.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office or Ms. Lola Leon Guerrero, Chief Planner, at 472-4201/2/3 or facsimile at 477-1812.

September 12, 2018

Guam Year of the Reef Newsletter: 2018 September

August 31, 2018

RFP BSP 2018-002 Public Access Stakeholder Engagement & Inventory

The Guam Coastal Management Program (GCMP), Bureau of Statistics and Plans (BSP), Government of Guam is seeking proposals for services to: 1) develop and conduct stakeholder engagements and surveys; and 2) to perform a detailed inventory of existing public access statutes for the purpose of developing a comprehensive Public Access Management Plan (PAMP). The PAMP will strengthen the protection and enhancement of current public access corridors and development of new corridors as opportunities arise.

All entities interested in submitting a proposal may pick up copies of the Request for Proposals (RFP) and Scope of Work beginning Friday, August 31, 2018 at the Director’s Office, Bureau of Statistics and Plans, located at the Ricardo J. Bordallo Governor’s Complex, Adelup, 513 West Marine Corps Drive, Hagåtña, between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. Electronic copies of the RFP may be obtained by emailing Edwin Reyes, GCMP Administrator at or Esther Taitague, GCMP Planner at General Services Agency (GSA) recommends that prospective bidders or proposers register contact information with the BSP to ensure they receive any notices regarding any changes or updates to the IFB/RFP. GSA shall not be liable for failure to provide notice to any party who did not register contact information.

All proposals must be submitted to the Bureau of Statistics and Plans Director’s Office no later than 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 18, 2018.

This activity is supported by funding through the U.S. Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for Guam and administered through the Bureau of Statistics and Plans Guam Coastal Management Program. This advertisem*nt was paid for by federal funds through GCMP under grant number NA16NOS4190187.
For additional information, please contact Mr. Edwin Reyes, GCMP Administrator, at 4759672 or via email at


August 22, 2018

Guam’s Draft FY 2018 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program Narrative available for public comment

The FY 2018 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program solicitation was released on July 20, 2018. The application deadline is August 22, 2018. To comply with the solicitations requirements for public review, the Bureau of Statistics and Plans made available to the islands State Governing Body the draft application, specifically to the Speaker of the 34th Guam Legislature, the Vice Speaker of the 34th Guam Legislature and Chairperson on Culture and Justice, the Chairperson of the Committee on the Housing, Utilities, Public Safety and Homeland Security, and the Chairperson on the Committee on Innovation and Economic, Workforce and Youth Development for review and comments on August 22, 2018. The deadline to submit comments on the application is Friday, September 21, 2018.
To satisfy the public review requirement, the Bureau is making Guam’s Draft FY 2018 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program Narrative available for public comment. The deadline to submit comments on the application is Friday, September 21, 2018.
Comments can be mailed to: Bureau of Statistics and Plans, PO Box 2950 Hagatna, Guam 96932 or email

Click here to download Guam’s Draft FY 2018 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program Narrative

August 8, 2018

Guam Year of the Reef Newsletter: 2018 August

July 9, 2018

Business Sector Disaster Damage Assessment

The Bureau of Statistics and Plans (BSP), in coordination with the Office of the Governor and the Office of Civil Defense/Homeland Security is hereby conducting the Business Sector Disaster Damage Assessment (BSDDA) Survey. We are seeking your cooperation in assessing the damages, if any, that may have been caused by the recent disaster event. According to the Guam Emergency Plan, the Bureau is responsible for collecting, preparing and submitting the business sector disaster assessment report to the Governor of Guam within seventy-two (72) hours after the Governor declares Condition of Readiness IV. This assessment is conducted in collaboration with other Government of Guam agencies, to include but not limited to: Guam Visitors Bureau, Guam Economic Development Authority, Agency for Human Resources Development, Department of Labor, Department of Land Management, Port Authority of Guam, Guam International Airport Authority, and the Department of Chamorro Affairs.

Please note that this is a “preliminary” assessment to ascertain estimated damages caused by the recent event (i.e. Typhoon, earthquake, etc.) to the business sector of Guam. Should an emergency declaration be announced by the Office of the Governor, application for federal assistance will be done separately and at a later date. For more information regarding this survey, please do not hesitate to contact the Bureau of Statistics and Plans at 472-4201/2/3 or Guam Homeland Security/Office of Civil Defense at 475-9600. Please submit completed Damage Assessment Forms to Ms. April Manibusan at

Downloadable PDFs:

Letter to Business Owners

Damage Assessment Form

July 2, 2018

Guam Year of the Reef Newsletter: 2018 July

June 18, 2018

Guam Year of the Reef Newsletter: 2018 June

Latest News | The Bureau of Statistics and Plans Guam (36)


Students may only participate in ONE session NO exceptions.

Session 1: June 25-28, 2018 (SESSION 1 IS FULL)

Session 2: August 06-09, 2018

Kika Camp is open to all students who have completed 2nd- 7th grade.

Camp is from 8:30 a.m to 2:30 p.m.

Pick-up and drop-off is at Piti Santos Memorial Park

Spots are limited and spaces are NOT CONFIRMED until a completed registration

packet has been submitted and an Arrival Form is received by a parent and/or


Spots will be given on a first-come-first-serve basis to those who have completed registration packets

Registration for Kika Camp must be submitted at:

Guam Coastal Management Program

777 Rt. 4, Suite 105A

Phase II Complex, Sinajana

(next door to the GPD Boating )

Application Packets Accepted

June 4 -11

Between 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Monday- Friday

For more information call or email:

Marilyn Guerrero 475-9647

Clickable PDFs:

KIKA Camp 2018 Registration Packet

Press Release Kika Camp 2018

May 2018

Guam Year of the Reef Newsletter: 2018 May

April 9, 2018

Guam Year of the Reef Newsletter: 2018 April

In celebration of Guam Year of the Reef 2018, the Guam Coral Reef Initiative partners and stakeholders would like to share news, reef facts, happenings, and upcoming events with our coral reef community through this monthly newsletter. Each month we will highlight the monthly theme with facts about Guam’s coral reefs. We will also take a look back on the previous month’s events to share how Guam’s community members, local leaders, scientists, government agencies, businesses, and nonprofits are working together to protect and study Guam’s coral reefs. If you would like to contribute content or photos, please contact Mallory Morgan at the Bureau of Statistics and Plans via email at mallory.morgan@bsp.guam. gov. Don’t forget to check out our website at and like us on Facebook at @GuamYearoftheReef2018.

Public Comment Period: FC 2024-0001

by SDierking | February 7, 2024 | Announcements, Federal Consistency, Posts | 0 Comments

Public Comment Period: FC 2024-0001: National Park Service’s Consistency Determination for its proposed War in the Pacific National Historical Park Asan and Agat Units Management Plan. Public notices may be viewed at and written comments may be submitted to the Guam Coastal Management Program Office, Ricardo J. Bordallo Governor’s Complex, Hagåtña, Guam 96910. Comments must be received by Wednesday, March 06, 2024 by 5:00pm. The project applications are available for review at the Guam Coastal Management Program office. For an appointment, please contact Ms. Esther Taitague at 671-472-4201. Comments may be submitted electronically via email to For questions regarding GCMP, please contact Mr. Edwin Reyes, Administrator, at 671-475-9672 or

Click here to see the notice.

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Public Comment Period: FC 2023-0035

by SDierking | January 26, 2024 | Announcements, Federal Consistency, Posts | 0 Comments

The Guam Coastal Management Program has a public comment period for the following federal consistency case:

FC 2023-0035: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Consistency Determination for its proposed Repairs at Agana Small Boat Harbor

Public comment period deadline: Wednesday, February 21, 2024 by 5:00pm.

Public notices may be viewed at and written comments may be submitted to the Guam Coastal Management Program Office, Ricardo J. Bordallo Governor’s Complex, Hagåtña, Guam 96910. Comments must be received by Wednesday, February 21, 2024 by 5:00pm.
The project applications are available for review at the Guam Coastal Management Program office. For an appointment, please contact Ms. Esther Taitague at 671-472-4201. Comments may be submitted electronically via email to For questions regarding GCMP, please contact Mr. Edwin Reyes, Administrator, at 671-475-9672 or

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NOAA Approves Guam’s Program Change

by SDierking | January 26, 2024 | Announcements, Federal Consistency, Posts | 0 Comments

NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management approved the request for approval of changes to the Guam Coastal Management Program pursuant to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) regulations at 15 CFR part 923, subpart H.

GU-2023-1 Decision letter and table of approved changes (01-22-2024)

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by Julian Janseen | October 24, 2023 | Announcements, Federal Consistency, Posts | 0 Comments


Guam Coastal Management Program, Bureau of Statistics and Plans

DATE: October 24, 2023

NOTICE: The Guam Coastal Management Program has submitted a program change request to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Office for Coastal Management (OCM) under 15 CFR § 923.84 (federal regulations implementing the national Coastal Zone Management Act). The request seeks OCM’s approval to incorporate changes to the Guam Coastal Management Program’s Program Authorities.

PURPOSE OF NOTICE: This is an opportunity to submit comments on this program change. This notice has been sent to affected and interested parties including local governments, state agencies, and regional offices of relevant federal agencies as required by 15 CFR §923.84. The Coastal Zone Management Act regulations require states with Coastal Zone Management Programs (CZMP) to submit to OCM changes that affect federal approval of a state’s CZMP.

Guam’s CZMP: The Guam Coastal Management Program (GCMP) of the Bureau of Statistics and Plans manages and administers Guam’s CZMP, which defines the coastal zone as the entire island of Guam with a seaward outer limit of three nautical miles. GCMP is a networked agency with a number of agencies and instrumentalities of the Government of Guam principally responsible for certain coastal management activities. GCMP’s Program Authorities are outlined in the Guam Coastal Management Program and Final Environmental Impact Statement (Volume 1, pg. 114-116), and additional authorities as were adopted by Guam’s 1990 Routine Program Implementation, Guam’s 2013 Routine Program Change, and Guam’s 2023 Program Change (GU-2022-1).

DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES: GCMP is updating its Program Authorities that it uses to review and make decisions on projects. The proposed changes to Program Authorities include an authority which is under the principal responsibility of the Chamorro Land Trust Commission. The proposed change under the Chamorro Land Trust Commission is the addition of the Guam Undersea Access for Homes Act (GUAHA), 21 GCA Ch. 75A Art. 2. In support of GCMP’s request, GCMP has provided a brief overview description of the proposed program change, a brief summary of the changes of the authority and how the management program as changed is different from the previously approved management program, and a program change table.

Guam 2022 Program Change (GU-2023-1) Documents:

    • Letter from Director Lola E. Leon Guerrero Transmitting the Guam 2023 Program Change to the NOAA Office of Coastal Management
    • General Overview Description
    • Brief Summary of Each Proposed Change
    • Program Change Table
    • Program Authority Document

Any comments on this program change to Guam’s approved Coastal Management Program should be submitted directly to the NOAA Office of Coastal Management on NOAA’s Program Change website under File Number GU-2023-1 at:

Comments on this program change request must be submitted within 21 days of this notice.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For additional information please contact:Edwin Reyes at (671) 475-9672;

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August 17, 2017

Guam’s Draft FY 2017 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program Narrative available for public comment

The FY 2017 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program solicitation was released on July 25, 2017. The application deadline is August 25, 2017. To comply with the solicitations requirements for public review, the Bureau of Statistics and Plans made available to the islands State Governing Body the draft application, specifically to the Speaker of the 34th Guam Legislature, the Vice Speaker of the 34th Guam Legislature and Chairperson on Culture and Justice, the Chairperson of the Committee on the Housing, Utilities, Public Safety and Homeland Security, and the Chairperson on the Committee on Innovation and Economic, Workforce and Youth Development for review and comments on Thursday, August 17, 2017. The deadline to submit comments on the application is Monday, September 18, 2017.
To satisfy the public review requirement, the Bureau is making Guam’s Draft FY 2017 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program Narrative available for public comment. The deadline to submit comments on the application is Monday, September 18, 2017.
Comments can be mailed to: Bureau of Statistics and Plans, PO Box 2950 Hagatna, Guam 96932 or email

Click here to download Guam’s Draft FY 2017 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program Narrative

July 12, 2017

Upcoming Eyes of the Reef Training Events

We have scheduled several upcoming training sessions for the Eyes of the Reef (EOR) program to train reef users (snorkelers, swimmers, divers, paddlers, fishers, etc.) to identify and report coral reef impacts, including coral bleaching. This is a crucial component of our early warning system, which alerts us to reef issues and allows us to respond as quickly as possible.

Attached below is the flier for our upcoming EOR training sessions for July and August- please share widely! We also welcome back previous attendees who would like to refresh their knowledge. Open to all ages.

EOR July-August 2017 Training Flier

June 21, 2017

National Coral Management Fellowship Position Announcements 2018-2020

The National Coral Reef Management Fellowship Program is a partnership between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Coral Reef Conservation Program, the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Office of Insular Affairs, the U.S. All Islands Coral Reef Committee and Nova Southeastern University’s Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography. The program seeks to build the next generation of coral reef conservation leaders and supports two-year positions that strive to address current capacity gaps, as well as build long-term management capacity in the jurisdictions by placing highly qualified individuals whose education and work experience meet each jurisdiction’s specific coral reef management needs.

The seven jurisdictions where fellows will be placed include: the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Florida, Hawai’i, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and American Samoa. The start date for the two-year positions is January 2018.

Each position has its own distinct work plan specific to jurisdiction management needs and provides training and professional development opportunities. Project work will focus on climate change, land-based sources of pollution and fishing impacts to coral reef ecosystems. Fellows may also work to address local needs such as the development of management plans for marine managed areas, engagement of stakeholders in resource management, and development of climate change adaptation plans.

The deadline for applications is July 11, 2017.

Please visit to access application instructions.

Qualified candidates meeting stated educational requirements with relevant work experience are encouraged to apply. SCUBA diving will not be permitted as part of job duties and applicants must be a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident. Applicants need to have completed posted educational requirements by December 2017 and may apply to multiple jurisdictions.

For additional information or questions, please contact

Comprehensive Outreach Strategy

Request for Proposal

The Guam Coastal Management Program (GCMP), Bureau of Statistics and Plans (BSP), Government of Guam is seeking to contract an individual or company to develop a Comprehensive Outreach Strategy to inform island residents about protecting and improving surface, sub-surface, and coastal water quality to benefit coastal communities and conserve natural resources in Guam’s watersheds and nearshore ecosystems.
All entities interested in submitting a proposal may pick up copies of the Request for Proposals (RFP) and Scope of Work beginning Wednesday, May 10, 2017, at the Director’s Office, Bureau of Statistics and Plans, located at the Ricardo J. Bordallo Governor’s Complex, 513 West Marine Drive, Hagatna, between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. An electronic copy of the Request for Proposal and Scope of Work is also available below.
All proposals must be submitted to the Bureau of Statistics and Plans Director’s Office by no later than 4:00 P.M., Friday, June 9, 2017.
This activity is supported by funding through U.S. Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NA15NOS4190004) for Guam and administered through the Bureau of Statistics and Plans Guam Coastal Management Program. This advertisem*nt was paid for by federal funds through GCMP.
For additional information, please contact Mr. Edwin Reyes, GCMP Administrator, at 475-9672 or fax at 475-4512.

RFP/BSP 001-17

Required Affidavits and Assurances

Form 002 – Affidavidt Disclosing Ownership

Form 003 – Affidavit re Non-Collusion

Form 004 – Affidavit re No Gratuities or Kickbacks

Form 005 – Affidavit re Ethical Standards

Form 006 – Declaration re Compliance with U.S. DOL Wage Determination

Form 007 – Affidavit re Contingent Fees



Contact Us

  • P.O. Box 2950 Hagatna, Guam 96932
  • (671) 472-4201/2/3

management and staff

  • Lola Leon Guerrero - Director -
  • Matthew Santos - Dep. Director -



find us

  • 513 W Marine Dr. Hagåtña, Guam 96910

questions comments or suggestions


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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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