Polish Pierogies: Step-By-Step Recipe with Photographs (2024)

Do you know how to make Pierogi? Buttery, crisp Polish Pierogies stuffed with potatoes, cheese, and sauerkraut are a holiday favorite from the very first bite for everyone who tries them.

There are a lot of steps to this Pierogi recipe but don’t let that intimidate you. Anyone can make these! I recommend diving in and making a big batch at one time, so you can freeze some for later.

It’s also a ton of fun to turn Pierogi making into a big event. Grab friends and family and spend an afternoon rolling, stuffing and cooking these delicious dumplings together.

My sister Jenny taught me how to make Polish pierogies years ago; the same way that her Mother-In-Law Jane taught her to make them. Last time we were together for Christmas, we made a double batch of these pierogies and our small crowd ate almost all of them!

Side note: Did you know that the plural for pierogi can be pierogies OR just pierogi? I clarified that with Jane before sharing this recipe for the first time five years ago. And Webster dictionary has confirmed it once again. (Perogies is another spelling I often see, but that one is not in the dictionary.)

Despite the over-explanation here, I know that many of you will still email me to tell me that there is only one way to spell pierogi and I am doing it wrong. All in a day’s work, my friends. I can’t win them all.

What is a Pierogi?

Pierogies are a dough dumpling traditionally stuffed with potatoes, cheese, and/or sauerkraut. First boiled and then fried in butter, these little potato-filled pockets are irresistible.

I’m including our family’s favorite combination of potato, cheese, and sauerkraut in the recipe below. We serve these pierogies with Polish Kapusta and everyone loves the combination.

I’m told that while Jane was growing up, it was common to ask your guests ahead of time whether they preferred potato/cheese or sauerkraut/cheese pierogies. Many people are very particular about their pierogi fillings!

I discovered this for myself whenI asked how you all like your pierogies! There are countless other filling options: meats, fruits, vegetables, the combinations are endless.

How To Make Pierogi

Making homemade Pierogi starts with a great filling. Simmer peeled, cut potatoes in a pot of water for 15 minutes until fork tender. Mash the cooked potatoes, then stick them in the fridge to cool completely.

While the potatoes cool, saute the chopped onion in a little olive oil until softened. Add the onion and oil to the cooled potatoes along with the sauerkraut and cheeses.

We learned how to make pierogies with Farmer’s cheese, a pot cheese that comes in a container and is very soft. If you can not locate farmer’s cheese in your market, you can substitute 2 ounces shredded Monterrey jack and 2 ounces ricotta cheese.

Store the filling in the refrigerator until your dough is ready.

Tip: To save time on the day you’re making and serving your pierogies, make the filling a day or two in advance then keep it sealed tight in the fridge until ready to use.

We find it easiest to rotate in batches of six to manage the process most efficiently. 6 waiting, 6 boiling, 6 cooling, 6 frying, repeat. It sounds a little overwhelming initially, but once you have a little assembly line set up, it goes fairly smoothly. We fill 18 pierogies before starting the first batch boiling and then just keep rotating through the stages.

This is a half recipe and it can easily be multiplied for a crowd. We’ve found that this amount is much more manageable, especially for the first few times we made these.

Pierogi Dough

Pierogi dough is a simple mixture of flour, egg, water and just a touch of salt, not unlike homemade fresh pasta.

After mixing together the flour and salt, crack an egg into the center of the bowl and combine with the flour mixture. Gradually add hot water to the bowl until your dough is soft and slightly sticky.

If the dough appears too wet, add more flour a tablespoon at a time. Likewise, if the dough is too crumbly and dry, add more hot water a little at a time.

Chill the dough in the refrigerator for an hour or so until cool and firm.

Pierogi Recipe

  • Here comes the fun part. You get to roll out the dough, shape and stuff your pierogies, then give them a bath in boiling hot water.
  • Start the water boiling on the stove while you get all your ingredients out of the fridge and ready. Make sure to have a counter space or table cleaned and cleared so you can put the pierogies together without interruption.
  • First, divide the dough into four sections. Roll the first section out until it’s very thin, about ⅛ inch in thickness. Cut this section into circles, then place a tablespoon of the potato filling on each side.
  • Fold the circles over and pinch the edges to seal. Repeat this with the other sections of the dough and then place your prepared pierogies in a single layer on a plate or pan.
  • Plop the dumplings a few at a time into the boiling water. If they stick to the bottom of the pot, give them a quick nudge with a spoon or spatula. When thepierogiesrise to the top, scoop them out with a slotted spoon and place them on a buttered plate to cool for a few minutes.
  • Once slightly cooled, it’s time to fry your waiting pierogies in butter. Fry a few at a time until the edges are brown and crisp.

Pierogi Making Tips

If you have a team of folks working in the kitchen, you can set up an assembly line to make finishing these steps quicker and easier. Have someone assembling the dumplings, someone boiling, and someone frying.

We find it easiest to rotate in batches of six to manage the process most efficiently. 6 waiting, 6 boiling, 6 cooling, 6 frying, repeat.

We fill 18 pierogies before starting the first batch boiling and then just keep rotating through the stages.The recipe below has been halved from Jane’s original recipe and it can easily be multiplied for a crowd. We’ve found that this amount is much more manageable, especially for the first few times we made these.

You’ll be ready to sit down to a delicious, buttery plate full of Polish Pierogies in no time. These are satisfying enough all on their own as a snack, appetizer or even a meal.

Pierogies pair especially well with cabbage dishes like thisCabbage and Sausage Skillet, Layered Cabbage Rolls, White Beans and Cabbage, or this Spicy Cabbage.

This recipe includes my family’s standard filling of potato, sauerkraut, and cheese but you can use this same recipe as a guideline for cooking Pierogies with any kind of filling you like.

Leftover pierogies freeze like a charm, too! Place them on a single layer on a cookie sheet until just frozen (an hour or two) before sealing them in airtight containers and storing in the freezer.

Kitchen Tip: I use this pot, this pan, and this spider to make this recipe.

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Polish Pierogies: Step-By-Step Recipe with Photographs (4)

Polish Pierogi Recipe: Step-By-Step Recipe with Photographs

4.57 from 67 votes

Buttery, crisp pierogies stuffed with potatoes, cheese, and sauerkraut are a favorite around the world.


Prep Time: 10 minutes mins

Cook Time: 20 minutes mins

Total Time: 30 minutes mins

Servings: 36 small pierogies (about 6 servings)



  • 4 medium size potatoes any variety will work, peeled and cut into 1″ pieces
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1/2 small onion chopped small about ⅓ cup
  • 1/2 14 ounce can sauerkraut
  • 4 ounces farmer’s cheese *


  • 2 1/2 cups all purpose flour plus more for kneading
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 large egg
  • ¾ – 1 cup very hot water


  • 3/4 cup butter melted
  • Toppings: sour cream applesauce



  • Place the potatoes in a large pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil and then simmer until fork tender, about 15 minutes. Drain the water and mash the potatoes. Place the potatoes in a mixing bowl and chill in the refrigerator until cold.

  • In a small skillet over medium heat, warm the oil and then saute the onion until tender. Let them cool for a few minutes and then add the cooked onions to the bowl of cold mashed potatoes. Place the sauerkraut in a strainer and rinse very well under running water, for at least 3 minutes. Drain thoroughly and add the sauerkraut to the bowl with the potatoes. Add the cheese and stir to combine. Store in the refrigerator until ready to make the pierogies.The filling can be made a day or two in advance and refrigerated until needed.


  • Place the flour and salt in a large bowl and stir to combine. Make a small well with your hand and crack the egg into it. Stir to combine and then gradually add the hot water, mixing with your hands until the dough is very sticky and well combined. If it becomes too sticky and wet, add just a tablespoon or so more flour. The photo on the left is too wet, the one on the right (with the spoon in the bowl) is perfect.Chill the dough in the refrigerator for at least an hour.


  • Bring a pot of water to a boil. Sprinkle a large board with flour. Transfer the dough to the floured surface and flip it over a few times to coat with flour. Gently knead the dough just a few times with your hands, adding a sprinkling of flour as needed.

  • To Shape Pierogies: Divide the dough into four sections and roll out one of the sections very thin, to about 1/8" thickness. (This should be just a bit thinner than a pie crust.) Cut into circles and place 1 tablespoon of the potato filling on one side. Fold over the circle and pinch around the dough. Place the prepared pierogies in a single layer onto a waiting plate. Don't stack them or the dough will stick together.

  • To Boil Pierogies: Drop the waiting pierogies into the water, a few at a time. Use a spoon or spatula to gently nudge them off the bottom of the pot if they stick. When they float to the surface of the water, lift them out carefully with a slotted spoon. Place them on a buttered plate and drizzle a small amount of melted butter on top of them to prevent sticking together. Let the boiled pierogies cool for a few minutes before frying them.

  • To Fry Pierogies: In a large skillet over medium heat, melt a tablespoon of butter. When the butter sizzles, place the boiled pierogies in the skillet in a single layer. Let them cook 2-3 minutes, until lightly browned on the edges, flip over and repeat. The pierogies will not turn brown all over, but the edges should crisp and be light brown. Remove the finished pierogies to a buttered baking dish.


We find it easiest to rotate in batches of six to manage the process most efficiently. 6 waiting, 6 boiling, 6 cooling, 6 frying, repeat. It sounds a little overwhelming initially, but once you have a little assembly line set up, it goes fairly smoothly. We fill 18 pierogies before starting the first batch boiling and then just keep rotating through the stages.

This is a half recipe and it can easily be multiplied for a crowd. We’ve found that this amount is much more manageable, especially for the first few times we made these.


Calories: 95kcal · Carbohydrates: 9g · Protein: 2g · Fat: 5g · Saturated Fat: 3g · Cholesterol: 18mg · Sodium: 122mg · Potassium: 115mg · Vitamin A: 155IU · Vitamin C: 2.8mg · Calcium: 33mg · Iron: 1.2mg

Tried this recipe?Mention @barefeetkitchen or tag #barefeetkitchen!

{originally published 2/20/14 – recipe notes and photos updated 8/12/21}

Polish Pierogies: Step-By-Step Recipe with Photographs (5)
Polish Pierogies: Step-By-Step Recipe with Photographs (2024)


What are the cooking instructions for pierogies? ›

To cook the pierogies, bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Drop the pierogies into the boiling water. (Do this in two batches – about 12 at a time in a large stockpot.) When they come to the surface and float (about 2 to 3 minutes), give them just 30 seconds longer and then remove them with a slotted spoon.

What are traditional pierogies made of? ›

Pierogies are dough that's filled with either potatoes and cheese or sauerkraut. The dough is folded kind of like a dumpling, then cooked in boiling water. Last, they're pan-fried in butter and often times served alongside sour cream.

How do you make perogies taste good? ›

Add onion and drained pierogies and season to taste with salt and pepper or House Seasoning. Cook over high heat until the onion is soft and browned and pierogies are nicely browned. The pasta shell will get a little crunchy - it's delish! Serve with a dollop of sour cream.

What is the difference between perogies and pierogies? ›

Also called perogi or perogy, Polish pierogi (pronounced pih-ROH-ghee) or homemade pierogies are small half-moon dumplings. They're also chock-full of fabulous fillings. Interestingly, the word pierogi is actually plural. But the singular form pieróg is hardly ever used.

Is it better to boil or pan fry perogies? ›

However, it's not a must—you can also cook frozen pierogies right in the skillet without boiling them—and they will turn out delicious. But, if you're a stickler for tradition, bring a pot of salted water to a boil, drop the pierogies in and wait for them to float.

Should you thaw frozen pierogies before frying? ›

Frozen: Defrost pierogi overnight and use the above instructions to sear them. If you're boiling or steaming them you don't have to defrost them but boil them for 5 minutes and steam them for 8 minutes. Alternatively you can cook them from frozen but don't start them too hot.

How do Polish people eat pierogies? ›

The pierogi are simmered until they float, drained, and then sometimes fried or baked in butter before serving or fried as leftovers. They can be served with melted butter or sour cream, or garnished with small pieces of fried bacon, onions, and mushrooms.

What is the difference between Polish and Ukrainian perogies? ›

Varenyky is the more commonly used term in Ukraine, often eaten with sweet fillings, while pierogi are the national dish of Poland. Different to pelmeni as they are usually vegetarian, varenyky and pierogi can be served fried in butter, usually as an appetiser or a dessert.

What country makes the best pierogies? ›

In Ukraine, they're called varenyky. But to Poland, and most of the rest of the world, they're pierogi. The humble boiled dumplings are one of Poland's most beloved dishes, as well as its culinary symbol across the world – homesick Poles can find satisfying pierogi everywhere from Shanghai to London.

Should you boil frozen pierogies before frying? ›

Things You Should Know

Sauteeing frozen pierogies takes 8-10 minutes, baking takes 18-20 minutes, and deep-frying takes 4 minutes. Boil fresh-frozen pierogies in a pot for around 5 minutes (until they float). Then, saute them for 3 minutes.

What's the best thing to put on perogies? ›

Melted butter is an excellent choice for all pierogi, and with added herbs of choice like dill or cinnamon, you'll create a treat worth repeating over and over. Mushroom Sauce Mushroom sauce is the perfect topping for mushroom and cabbage pierogi fillings.

What is the most popular type of pierogi? ›

Ruskie pierogi are probably the most popular kind of pierogi in North America and Poland. The other popular pierogi in Poland are filled with ground meat, mushrooms and cabbage, or for dessert an assortment of fruits (berries, with strawberries or blueberries the most common).

Are pierogies Russian or Polish? ›

pierogi, one or more dumplings of Polish origin, made of unleavened dough filled with meat, vegetables, or fruit and boiled or fried or both. In Polish pierogi is the plural form of pieróg (“dumpling”), but in English the word pierogi is usually treated as either singular or plural.

What is a fun fact about pierogies? ›

Some believe the pierogi came from China and through Italy via Marco Polo's expeditions. Another popular origin story involves Saint Hyacinth, who is often considered the patron saint of pierogi. According to this story, Saint Hyacinth brought the pierogi to Poland from Kievian Rus, now Ukraine.

What is the best way to cook frozen pierogies? ›

Bake. Brush melted butter or oil on both sides of frozen pierogies and place in a 400° preheated oven on a baking sheet for 20 minutes, flipping once.

What is the best way to cook Mrs T's pierogies? ›

Microwave. In microwave-safe bowl, cover frozen pierogies completely with water and loosely cover bowl with plastic wrap. Full Size & Mini: Microwave on HIGH 7 minutes. Drain and serve.

How to cook perogies on the stove? ›

Cover bottom of frying pan with cooking oil, margarine or butter and heat to 190 °C (375 °F) or medium heat. Place frozen perogies into frying pan and fry for approximately 3-4 minutes until golden brown. Then, turn perogies over and brown on other side for 3-4 minutes.


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