Albert School | The 1st Business School anchored in Data | Discover the program (2024)

Develop a new generation of data literate business leaders.

Albert School | The 1st Business School anchored in Data | Discover the program (1)


Albert School | The 1st Business School anchored in Data | Discover the program (2)

Grande école program

Grande Ecole ProgramDiscover

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MSc Data for BusinessDiscoverMSc Data for MarketingDiscoverMSc Data for FinanceDiscoverMSc Data for SustainabilityDiscover

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Professional training

Become a Data AnalystDiscoverBecome a Data ScientistDiscover

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DERNIÈRE SESSION D’ADMISSION pour les programmes Bachelor et MSc en diplôme conjoint avec Mines Paris - PSL. Candidatures gratuites et en ligne.

"The world is changing,
education must change."

Chaque grande idée commence par un problème simple.

Pour les fondateurs Grégoire Genest et Mathieu Schimpl, il existe une réelle inadéquation entre les compétences délivrées par le monde de l’éducation et celles attendues par le monde de l’entreprise qui connaît sa plus grande mutation depuis une vingtaine d’années : l’arrivée de la data s’impose comme la clé du succès des entreprises qui ont opéré leur transformation digitale ou celles qui sont digital native, et souvent reconnues parmi les plus innovantes au monde (GAFAM, NATU).

Conséquence : 65 % des élèves qui passent le bac aujourd'hui occuperont un emploi qui n'existe pas encore d'après le Forum économique mondial.

Grégoire Genest | CEO and co-founder of Albert School

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ALBERT SCHOOL | Business & Data



ALBERT SCHOOL develops an innovative pedagogical approach, focused on data, to make students accomplished
professionals of the new economy. ◆◆

ALBERT SCHOOL offers an education of excellence through a complete curriculum, divided between the quantitative spirit of data and the culture of business sense, hard skills and soft skills.

In the age of data, the school must prepare tomorrow's leaders to acquire the key skills of the 21st century. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube and the use of smartphones have revolutionised the world and the way we interact. Behind these platforms and concepts, there are new ways of communicating, doing business, teaching and understanding the world, which require a change of mindset.

The St. Albert School is developing an innovative, data-centric approach to teaching to make students successful professionals in the new economy. We ensure an effective education focused on case studies and operational knowledge. This approach allows students to develop new skills and to progressively specialise: the curriculum structured around business and data allows students to understand the concepts and tools - such as frameworks, structuring analysis - to make relevant data-driven decisions.


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ALBERT SCHOOL does more than train for a profession. The school prepares tomorrow's leaders with key skills: ◆◆


"Alone we go faster, together we go further." (African proverb)
At ALBERT SCHOOL, we train our students to work together to find solutions to complex situations
during our Business Deep Dives developed exclusively with our partners (Carrefour, LVMH...). In the age of data, group work is essential, whether it is face-to-face or remote. Knowing how to work collaboratively is an essential skill in education and later in professional life. Knowing how to collaborate implies a mastery of communication values, an aptitude for empathy and strong leadership.

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Complex & Open Problem Solving

Solving complex open problems is one of the most valued skills in business. Our daily environment is undergoing dramatic changes due to technological developments and climate change. Our students will have to face challenges in the future that require them to know how to define a problem, design and implement appropriate solutions. In such a context of change, leaders must be solution-oriented: solving complex problems is therefore essential to develop the ability to make decisions efficiently and quickly.

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Critical thinking

ALBERT SCHOOL trains talents capable of thinking for themselves, capable of using tools, of gathering evidence, of processing data, of discarding it, of being critical. In a word, to make sense of them. Critical thinking, as a process of questioning information, is fundamental to making better decisions and understanding things through the reasonable and unbiased analysis, examination and interpretation of data in order to derive a usable and reasonable understanding.

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Productivity is the ability to create using the following skills: setting and achieving goals, prioritising needs, managing time, working ethically, collaborating and cooperating with colleagues and clients.

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Why is mathematics so important at Albert School?

We select our students and provide them with a high quality mathematics education.
Indeed, we are convinced that mathematics should be thought of as a collection of indispensable tools for thinking, analyzing and solving complex problems.

Mathematics, by the power of abstraction it requires, is a major lever for understanding the articulation of multiple dimensions - physical, social, economic, legal, political, ideological - as they present themselves daily to companies, at the most strategic level of their management.

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We are living in the fourth industrial revolution marked by extraordinary technological advances. A recent report by the World Economic Forum indicates that the ability to solve complex problems will be the most valuable skill in the years to come. Lack of mathematical skills is the main obstacle to improving the power of abstraction, which is a key requirement for solving complex problems.

By reconciling French mathematical rigour and Anglo-Saxon business sense, ALBERT SCHOOL aims to supply rare talents and future leaders to the booming Tech ecosystem and promises its students numerous outlets, starting with the school's partner companies.

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Albert School | The 1st Business School anchored in Data | Discover the program (13)

Albert School | The 1st Business School anchored in Data | Discover the program (14)

ALBERT SCHOOL is in CHALLENGES (April 2022): "The Albert School reconciles maths & business " ◆◆

In this issue of Challenges, 30 business leaders sign the appeal "Save maths" so that the subject regains its place in the "common core" of high school.

The photo article "The Albert School reconciles maths and business" presents the school's desire - through its innovative teaching approach - to reconcile maths and business: since data processing is at the heart of the transformation of companies, a high level of qualification in mathematics is required and taught during the courses.

ALBERT SCHOOL | Business & Data

ALBERT SCHOOL's Business Deep Dives

business deep dives

ALBERT SCHOOL's signature pedagogy, the Business Deep Dives allow to anchor the data issues in a business reality. ◆◆

The Business Deep Dives are built in partnership with leading companies in their sector, convinced of the urgent need to train talents capable of bridging the gap between business and data. Within the framework of these partnerships, the students of Albert School's Bachelor Business & Data programme work for 3 weeks on data sets made available by our partners, and interact with members of their teams who teach courses during the period. The work is carried out in small groups with learning to be validated individually and a collective report at the end of the cycle.

Our students thus mobilise several areas of knowledge (economics, finance, marketing, strategy, data) and know-how with the aim of developing a deep understanding of the dynamics of corporate life and the strategic levers available to them in the age of Data.

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Albert School | The 1st Business School anchored in Data | Discover the program (16)

ALBERT SCHOOL does more than train for a profession. The school prepares tomorrow's leaders with key skills: ◆◆

Albert School | The 1st Business School anchored in Data | Discover the program (17)

The LVMH Business Deep Dive

Our students will be able to understand the functioning and challenges of a Group the size of LVMH thanks to very concrete case studies: the luxury sector, the continuous reinforcement of the desirability of brands in a context of growth, the challenges in M&A, the impact of the Blockchain on the Group's activities and many other subjects...

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Carrefour's Business Deep Dive

Our students will be able to understand the keys to Carrefour's operations. They will learn about the positioning of the company and its value chain, the competition it faces, the challenges of customer relations, the logistical challenges, the cyclicality of sales, the development of e-commerce and the financial aspects of retail.

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BCG GAMMA's Business Deep Dive

During the year, BCG GAMMA will contribute to the development of a "Business Deep Dive", the School's signature educational sequence.

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WeMaintain's Business Deep Dive

Our students will be able to discover with WeMaintain's data teams the collection and analysis of data through the prism of the Internet of Things (IoT), in particular thanks to the modules installed on the campus elevators.


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Our opportunities and expertise

Xavier Niel | Founder Iliad

Albert School | The 1st Business School anchored in Data | Discover the program (22)

"While French Tech is experiencing a meteoric acceleration, we now have a critical training issue to accompany this dynamic.
Our start-ups need professionals who speak the language of data; our unicorns are recruiting hundreds of them; our largest companies are imitating them. The launch of ALBERT fills me with enthusiasm. It is a great lever for our youth and the whole country.


Albert School's strategy is to train students for the most innovative and promising professions on the market. By developing hybrid Business and Data skills, students are positioned towards a strong demand from companies and a rapid career evolution.

Albert School's degrees provide the skills needed by companies to operate, manage and develop data-driven solutions.

I am applying

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Albert School | The 1st Business School anchored in Data | Discover the program (24)

Financial Analyst
Marketing Manager

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Data Analyst
Data Visualization Expert
Data Strategist

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Analytics Manager
Customer Behavior Analyst
Marketing Automation

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Product Manager
Corporate Strategist

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Business Intelligence Analyst
Product Data Analyst

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Data Engineer
Data Scientist
Data Architect

OUR PROGRAMME | Business & Data

The school offers two main courses:

The programme


- Le Bachelor Business & Data (bac + 3), post-bac et hors Parcoursup
‍- Des masters spécialisés (bac +5), après bac +3 minimum et hors MonMaster

ALBERT SCHOOL's Bachelor Business & Data offers a complete post-baccalaureate programme over 3 years. It allows students to acquire a double competence based on the fundamentals of Business and Data in order to train managers capable of analysing, exploiting and enhancing the value of data for the performance and success of companies. It is aimed at students with an appetite for mathematics and a desire to move into the business world.

At the end of the Bachelor's degree, Albert School students have acquired the skills to enable them to enter a Master's degree of their choice.

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Nos doubles diplômes Masters of science albert school - mines paris psl [bac +5]

À l'issue du Bachelor, les étudiants d'Albert School ont acquis les compétences pour leur permettre d'intégrer un Master of Science de leur choix.

Albert School et Mines Paris PSL s'associent pour proposer les Masters of Science suivants : Data for Business, Data for Marketing, Data for Finance et Data for Sustainability

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◆◆ MSc Data for Business

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◆◆ Data For marketing

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The team

Albert School management ◆◆

Issus des meilleures écoles françaises (Ecole Polytechnique, HEC, Ecole Normale Supérieure), Grégoire et Mathieu sont convaincus de l’urgence de l’émergence d’une nouvelle génération de cadres et de dirigeants data-literate, c’est à dire capables de comprendre, exploiter et valoriser les données.

Ils s’appuient sur leurs expériences passées et leurs difficultés pour recruter des équipes et les faire monter rapidement en compétences dans des environnements où la réflexion doit être associée à une prise de décision rapide et précise.

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Grégoire Genest, a graduate of École Polytechnique, created Neos, an augmented mobile payment application used by a dozen major groups (LVMH, Carrefour, etc.), then worked as an associate at Advent International. As Director of the School, he is the guarantor of the school's mission, to train the leaders of tomorrow's economy, by ensuring a spirit of excellence, collaboration and creativity. He ensures the continued motivation of the students, the driving force behind their progress and development.

School Director


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Mathieu Schimpl, a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, has held sales and operations management positions in digital startups in consumer goods, mobile technologies and property management, notably at MonsieurDrive, which was acquired by Criteo and White Bird. As Director of Operations, his role is to manage the campus in order to provide students, faculty, stakeholders and partners with the best Albert School experience.

Director of Operations

Teachers at Albert School ◆◆

Our teaching team is composed of professors from prestigious schools and experienced professionals from successful start-ups, unicorns and large corporations.

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Antoine BOSCHE

Antoine Bosché, diplômé de l'Université Paris-Dauphine, est un expert en data et finance. En tant que CEO et fondateur de Matching, il propose des services de conseil en données financières pour Experts-Comptables et Directions Financières.

Antoine BOSCHE


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Bertrand CAVALIÉ is an investor at Altur Gestion and has several years of experience in investment funds and transaction services. He is a graduate of EDHEC and teaches finance at Albert School.



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Benjamin APRA

Benjamin APRA is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique and Berkeley. He is an engineer specialized in bioinformatics. He has designed multiple computer tools for the French Embassy in Japan and participated in the writing of a textbook for the French Air Force. He led his engineering career in the United States in leading biotech and education tech companies. Benjamin has been teaching high school mathematics for the past 2 years and will be teaching at Albert School full time starting next fall.

Benjamin APRA


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Benjamin BEJBAUM

Benjamin BEJNBAUM is a serial entrepreneur, founder and former CEO of Dailymotion. He teaches Python and data analysis at Sciences Po and at the École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs Léonard de Vinci. Benjamin teaches Python and Data Analysis at Albert School in the Data curriculum.

Benjamin BEJBAUM


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Benjamin BOSCHER

A graduate of Sciences Po and ENA, Benjamin BOSCHER is an auditor at the Cour des Comptes. He was a Public Policy Analyst at Vivendi, then in the Strategy and M&A Department at FNAC Darty before becoming Political Attaché at the Chancellery of the French Embassy in Canada. He also teaches at Science Po. Benjamin teaches Geopolitics at the Albert School.

Benjamin BOSCHER


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Benjamin Forestier

Benjamin a de nombreuses cordes à son arc : diplomé d'HEC et de Polytechnique, docteur en Philosophie, expert en Private Equity, en Investment Banking et en Corporate Finance, est affilié professeur à l'École Polytechnique. Ses compétences s'étendent des domaines de la gestion générale à la science, en passant par l'organisation et la finance.

Benjamin Forestier


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Caroline SPRIET

Diplomée de CentraleSupelec et de ESCP Europe, Caroline a de nombreuses expériences dans le monde de la finance, notamment chez Rothschild & Co. Elle enseigne brillamment la finance à Albert School.

Caroline SPRIET


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Chantal est diplômée de l'Université Paris Dauphine et de la Stanford University. Avec une carrière impressionnante, Chantal possède une vaste expérience dans les domaines du M&A, de l'énergie et de la cybersécurité. Ex-CDO chez Enedis, Chantal est désormais Directrice Générale dans le domaine de la cybersécurité et occupe également des postes de gouvernance.



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Elisabeth GEFFROY

Elisabeth GEFFROY is a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure and holds an agrégation in Philosophy. She works in the team of the European deputy François-Xavier Bellamy. She is the author of Dorothy Day, La Révolution Du Coeur. She has taught Philosophy in Terminale. Elisabeth teaches Philosophy at the Albert School.

Elisabeth GEFFROY


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Fabien CROS

Fabien, Directeur Data & Mesure @ Google, est un leader aux compétences variées, couvrant la durabilité, la monétisation, l'IA générative et la stratégie d'entreprise. Il a co-fondé PricingForThePlanet et a publié "Monetizing and Pricing Sustainability." Son leadership innovant et ses résultats exceptionnels en font un acteur clé pour explorer le potentiel de la durabilité grâce aux données.

Fabien CROS


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Fatmatül PRALONG

Fatmatül est agrégée d'économie et dispose à ce titre d'une solide expérience d'enseignement en la matière, en particulier à la Sorbonne. Bien plus qu'une enseignante, Fatmatül est une véritable facilitatrice de connaissances ; elle incarne l'innovation éducative via la pratique de la pédagogie inversée. Rôle modèle pour les jeunes filles de l'Ecole dans un domaine historiquement masculin, Fatmatül incarne l'excellence académique et de l'égalité des genres à Albert School.

Fatmatül PRALONG


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Gianluca QUERCINI is a graduate of the University of Genoa and holds a PhD in graph theory. He teaches several courses in Computer Sciences at CentraleSupélec. He is a specialist in graph-based modeling, and also teaches in the joint Data Sciences & Business Analytics master's program between CentraleSupélec and ESSEC. Gianluca teaches Graph Theory at Albert School in the Data curriculum.



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Guillaume VENTURA

A graduate of HEC, Guillaume Ventura works as an International Marketing Manager at L'Oréal. In parallel to his functions, he teaches as a marketing professor at HEC. Guillaume will teach marketing at Albert School.

Guillaume VENTURA


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Diplomée de l'ESCP et du Wagon, Hélène a construit un parcours impressionnant en lançant plusieurs entreprises dans des domaines diversifiés. Formatrice pour Ulule, professeure en écoles de commerce, elle enseigne le Marketing à Albert School.



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A graduate of Sciences Po Paris, Imane BELLO is a lawyer at the Paris Bar. She mainly intervenes in law, governance and ethics of innovation. Named one of the 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics for 2021 and one of the 35 experts under 35 in algorithmic governance for 2022, she teaches at Sciences Po Paris the ethics and politics of innovation and artificial intelligence systems. Imane teaches the ethics of innovation at Albert School.



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Julien CADIO

A graduate of the University of Paris-Dauphine, Julien CADIO has held several marketing positions, first at Coca-Cola, then at Catalina where he is now Sales Director. He also has a solid experience in teaching marketing at the University of Paris-Dauphine. Julien teaches marketing at Albert School.

Julien CADIO


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Ingénieur, diplômé des MBA de UCLA et de HEC Paris, Lionel possède une impressionnante carrière en stratégie d'entreprise, et plus particulièrement en stratégie digitale. Il dessine aujourd'hui les stratégies Cloud & AI chez Microsoft. Il enseigne la stratégie à Albert School.



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Diplômée de l'ESSEC et d'une formation en Data Science Le Wagon, Louise est associée chez McKinsey & Company et chez QuantumBlack. Elle met son expertise dans le domaine de la stratégie à l'œuvre en enseignant à Albert School.



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Marthe Lacoste a une expérience significative en tant que professeure de marketing sur le campus de Marseille de l'EMLV et de stratégie marketing numérique à KEDGE Business School. Ses expériences professionnelles (Dior, L'Occitane en Provence) et son expérience académique au sein de ces établissem*nts renforce son expertise pour enseigner le Marketing à Albert School.



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Philippine AUTRAND

Diplômée de l'ESSEC Business School et de l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Philippine est désormais Marketing Manager chez ManoMano. Forte de sa solide expérience en marketing et en data, elle anime des cours de marketing auprès des Msc à Albert School.

Philippine AUTRAND


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SQUAIR AARPI's partners are members of the Paris Bar, most of whom have been trained abroad, and cover a broad spectrum of legal expertise. These are combined with solid experience in teaching law in several French universities and Grandes Ecoles. They teach law at Albert School.



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Simon COSTE has a PhD in mathematics and is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence at the École Normale Supérieure. Alongside Stéphane MALLAT, Professor at the Collège de France, he co-organizes the Challenge of Data 2022, a machine learning challenge open to researchers and the general public. Simon Coste teaches machine learning at Albert School.



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A graduate of HEC, Virgile BLANCHARD is an investment director at Groupe HLD. Previously, he worked for several years in strategy consulting at McKinsey's Paris office, then joined Wallix, a cybersecurity company. He teaches strategy at Albert School. His courses take the following three points of view: corporate, investor and consultant.



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William HONVO

A graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure and holder of an agrégation in economics and management, William HONVO is currently an economist at the Banque de France and contributes to public finance forecasts. William also has several teaching experiences in macro- and micro-economics. William teaches economics at the Albert School.

William HONVO


The Scientific Council ◆◆

The Scientific Council ensures the academic excellence and coherence of the institution's programme.

Mathieu Rosenbaum

Resident Professor of Mathematics at the Ecole Polytechnique.

Mathieu rosenbaum

/ mathematics

Mathieu rosenbaum
/ Mathematics


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Johan Hombert

Associate Professor of Finance at HEC

Johan Hombert

/ finance

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Johan hombert
/ finance


/ Statistics

Professor, co-Director of the Master Statistics, Finance & Actuarial Science at ENSAE

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Do you want to know more about ALBERT SCHOOL? The team is available to answer all your questions.

Albert School | The 1st Business School anchored in Data | Discover the program (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.